Associate Professor of Theoretical Neuroscience

Associate Professor of Theoretical Neuroscience

Published Deadline Location
11 Jul 25 Aug Nijmegen

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Job description

We are pleased to announce a vacancy for an Associate Professor of Theoretical Neuroscience.

As a successful candidate, you will investigate topics within the broad field of computational and/or theoretical neuroscience. Your research plans should have scientific novelty with good opportunities for external funding and potential applications. We would like you to form a bridge between experimental neuroscientists and neurophysicists developing neurotechnology and neurocomputational models, while maintaining a leading and independent theoretical/ computational research programme.

In addition to your research, you are expected to enthusiastically adopt a leading role in the development and teaching of modern and inspiring study programmes at the Bachelor and Master’s levels, as conducted at the Faculty of Science and the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour.

Last but not least, we would like you to express your views and vision on broad topics concerning academia and academic science by engaging in management tasks within and outside the institute and faculty.


Radboud University


  • You have established an independent and leading research group in the field of computational/theoretical neuroscience and a have a long-term vision on the further development of this field.
  • You are an enthusiastic scientist with a excellent track record and international network.
  • You have shown competence in acquiring external funding for your research.
  • You are interested in generating broad and societal impact with your research.
  • You have a collaborative, open attitude and are willing to participate in projects of a multidisciplinary nature.
  • You are an inspiring coach and leader for a team of young scientists.
  • You are an enthusiastic and effective lecturer, and have developed and coordinated courses in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes.
  • You are willing to contribute to the administrative, organisational and management tasks of the Donders Institute, Faculty of Science and study programmes.

Conditions of employment

Fixed-term contract: a permanent position if you meet the set criteria.

  • Employment: 32 - 40 hours per week.
  • A maximum gross monthly salary of € 6,738 based on a 38-hour working week (salary scale 14).
  • The exact salary depends on the candidate's qualifications and amount of relevant professional experience.
  • In addition to the salary: an 8% holiday allowance and an 8.3% end-of-year bonus.
  • Duration of the contract: a permanent position if you meet the set criteria.
  • You will be able to make use of our Dual Career Service: our Dual Career Officer will assist with family-related support, such as child care, and help your partner prepare for the local labour market and with finding an occupation.
  • Are you interested in our excellent employment conditions?
Promising junior candidates who do not yet meet all requirements be appointed to the rank of Associate Professor will also be considered for this position, but will be appointed at the Assistant Professor level.


Radboud University has seven faculties, which together cover the full range of academic disciplines. Its teaching and research staff hail from more than fifty countries. With several brand new buildings and state-of-the-art facilities, the leafy modern campus in Nijmegen provides an open and welcoming environment with a personal touch, encouraging the sharing of knowledge among academics, across disciplines, and within and between research institutes. Radboud University firmly believes that a broad perspective is essential for generating new insights and solutions in both science and society.


Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde & Informatica

The Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, home to more than 700 researchers from 35 countries, is a world-class research centre devoted to understanding the mechanistic underpinnings of human cognition and behaviour in health and disease. The institute’s mission includes conducting excellent interdisciplinary research at the unique interface between genetic, molecular and cellular processes on the one hand and computational, system-level neuroscience with cognitive and behavioural analysis on the other. Research in the Donders Institute is focused around four themes: 1. Language and communication, 2. Perception, action and control, 3. Plasticity and memory, and 4. Neural computation and neurotechnology. In 2013, the Donders Institute was assessed by an international evaluation committee as excellent and recognised as a ‘very stimulating environment for top researchers, as well as for young talent’.

The position will be embedded within the Donders Centre for Neuroscience (Faculty of Science), in particular in the Department of Neuroinformatics, chaired by Prof. Paul Tiesinga. The new research group will be expected to create synergy and collaborate with other research groups in the Donders Institute, Radboud university medical center and Radboud University.

Radboud University and the Donders Institute have a number of regulations that support employees in finding a good work-life balance. For example, employees enjoy flexibility in the way they structure their work, and parents are entitled to partly paid parental leave. There are day care facilities on campus for children aged 0-4 years (adjacent to the faculty buildings). Furthermore, its good accessibility, extensive cultural offerings, scenic surroundings and historic centre make Nijmegen a pleasant city to live and work in.

Radboud University and the Donders Institute strive for a diversified workforce in order to shape education and research from different perspectives. This includes the active enhancement of staff diversity through various actions such as gender awareness training, special tenure track positions for minorities, and additional financial support to help women continue their research during maternity leave.


  • Professor; Associate professor; Assistant professor; Lecturer
  • Natural sciences
  • 32—40 hours per week
  • max. €6738 per month
  • Doctorate
  • 1058929



Comeniuslaan 4, 6525 HP, Nijmegen

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