University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC Utrecht)

An outstanding employer

Excellent care for both patients and employees

What makes the UMC Utrecht exceptional? Everything is about people: patients and students, but employees too. They are what make up our organisation. As an employer, we do everything we can to help our people perform to the best of their abilities. Part of that is creating good terms of employment that guarantee the proper balance between work and private life. Even more importantly, we offer room for personal development and exploration.

Together we all share three central values: caring for people, expanding horizons and sharing knowledge. There is a clear interaction between patient care, education and research, in which each builds on the insights derived from the others. We learn from each other, encourage each other and try to do better together. As an UMC Utrecht employee, you are at the very heart of that interaction. Directly or indirectly, you participate in the latest developments. We never forget that a pleasant and familiar working environment is also very important. You should be able to feel at home in your workplace, and the UMC Utrecht offers that too. You can read more about our vision for personnel policy in an interview with our Human Research Manager (Ms. Corrie Scholman).


Heidelberglaan 100, 3584 CX, Utrecht

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