Two Members Young Wadden Academy
You cannot apply for this job anymore (deadline was 1 Jan ’19)
Academic fields
Economics; Law; Behaviour and society
Job types
Research, development, innovation
Education level
Young Wadden Academy seeks two new members.
The Wadden Academy founded the Young Wadden Academy (YWA) in 2016 to encourage young researchers to focus their energies on the Wadden Region ( The YWA is currently made up of five young researchers who have outstanding track records in science and are interested in research in general and in the Wadden Region in particular. One of the YWA’s main concerns is to encourage multidisciplinary research on the Wadden Region using system analysis.
The YWA is seeking two new members, if possible with expertise in one of the following disciplines:
Candidates in other disciplines who believe that they can make a valuable contribution to the YWA are naturally also welcome to apply. The YWA would especially like to invite young researchers from Denmark and Germany and female researchers to apply for membership.
Candidates must satisfy the following formal requirements for appointment as a member of the YWA:
Appointment is for a period of five years.