Early Stage Researcher (PhD) for the Project ESR 13 Competing solidarities: Sexual justice versus cultural justice in social work?
You cannot apply for this job anymore (deadline was 6 Apr ’21)
Academic fields
Behaviour and society; Language and culture
Job types
PhD; Research, development, innovation
Education level
University graduate
Weekly hours
40 hours per week
SOLiDi consortium & University of Humanistic Studies.
SOLiDi receives funding from the EU Framework Programme for research and innovation Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Innovative Training Network (ITN) - Grant Agreement No 956919.
The SOLiDi consortium and the University of Humanistic Studies are looking for a talented and motivated researcher to join the International Training Network and write a PhD on solidarity in diversity.
A European Training Network on promoting solidarities across ethnic-cultural boundaries
The rise of national populism and far-right parties in Europe poses a big threat to all forms of solidarity, especially solidarity between members of various ethnic-cultural groups. European democracies should therefore identify the conditions that can encourage and promote solidarity in diversity, taking into account the social inequalities and unequal positions of power between various groups. The EU-funded SOLiDi project has developed a training and research program to train 15 PhD researchers in relevant theories, research methods and ethics in the fields of sociology, human geography and educational sciences. The training and research program will also focus on paradigms of social change, studying how scientific insights on solidarity in diversity can be applied in different policy contexts and organisations. Ultimately, the project will provide professionals and institutions with insights and instruments for building cohesive European societies. SOLiDi is a consortium consisting of 10 universities and 23 non-academic organisations.
Description of the research project
Scientific objectives
Social workers are increasingly confronted with culturally inspired (risk of) family violence in families of migrant background. This project studies social workers’ encounters with these harmful gender and sexuality related practices, the moral dilemmas these create for professionals and clients and professionals’ actual interventions. Research methods include case file analysis and in-depth study of ten cases in two Dutch neighborhoods. The aim is to improve the quality of intervention in these harmful practices.
Tasks and Responsibilities
Specific PHD enrolment requirements at host institution:
Fixed-term contract: 36 months. The host institution, in line with the national and university regulation about regular PhD duration, may provide additional funding for a maximum of 12 months in order to complete a doctoral degree.
Please, find additional information in the Information note for Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN fellows
The University of Humanistic Studies is an independent, government-funded university that is inspired by the worldviews and traditions of humanism. The research focuses on public problems with a normative component, oriented towards building humane societies in which all people can lead meaningful lives. The University is located in a historic building in the centre of Utrecht. The university's small scale creates a personal working and study atmosphere.
Durham University is a centre for research and teaching excellence in the historic city of Durham, N.E England. Founded in 1928, the Department of Geography is one of the leading centres of geographical research in the world. The Department has a vibrant community of over a hundred postgraduates and aims to develop a range of high-level research, analytic, and communication skills that are transferable to multiple career paths.