We are happy to announce a fully funded Ph.D. position in the cutting-edge field of active soft matter, focusing on developing artificial microswimmers capable of autonomous motion and transport in 3D. We are looking for a highly motivated and curiosity-driven person who enjoys conceptual thinking and is passionate about learning new concepts and doing original research.
Autonomous motion, activity, and transport of microorganisms in fluids are the hallmark features of living systems. In recent years, this has fueled an emerging new research field, namely ‘’active or autonomous matter,” focused on designing synthetic microswimmers with unique capabilities such as self-propulsion, assembling themselves, and response to local environments [1,2]. However, creating micron-sized artificial building blocks that can swim autonomously in 3D is challenging.
To address this challenge, the primary objective of this project is to develop a unique experimental model system to better understand the dynamic self-organization of microorganisms in 3D using optical microscopy techniques. Ultimately, this project aims to increase our fundamental understanding of the dynamic self-organization of microorganisms in 3D and steer the development of valuable design rules, ultimately leading to the fabrication of smart micromachines for potential technological and biomedical applications, e.g., transporting cargos to desired targets, sensing of the local environment, mixing of fluids, reconfigurable materials, and active mass transport in catalysis.
The successful candidate will join the
Active Soft Matter Lab within the
Nanobiophysics group at the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands. This position offers ample opportunities for collaboration and interaction with various academic and industrial partners. You will work in a dynamic, highly interdisciplinary environment, utilizing state-of-the-art equipment and facilities to further the understanding and applications of microswimmers.
- Vutukuri, et al., Nature, 586, 52, 2020.
article - Vutukuri, et al., Nat. Communi, 586, 52, 2020.
article - Susana, et al., Nat. Communi, 14,7896, 2023. article