Postdoc position stochastic analysis in Riemannian manifolds

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Postdoc position stochastic analysis in Riemannian manifolds

Deadline Published on Vacancy ID 12535

Academic fields

Natural sciences

Job types


Education level


Weekly hours

38 hours per week


Science Park 904, 1098XH, Amsterdam

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Job description

Postdoc position stochastic analysis in Riemannian manifolds

The Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics is offering a 2 year post-doc position in the sotchastic analysis in the Applied Probability research group. The post-doc is on Sonja Cox’s NWO VIDI project “Numerical analysis for stochastic differential equations in Riemannian manifolds”. The goal of this project is to develop and analyse numerical schemes for SDEs in Riemannian manifolds. Simulations of SDEs in Riemannian manifolds are used statistics for analysing geometrically contrained data. Simulations are also used in cell biology, data visualisation, and image recognition. This project however is of a more theoretical nature: our goal is to develop suitable approximation schemes and analyse their convergence rates. The post-doc may also set up/maintain her/his own line of research, provided it has connections this project.

The above-mentioned NWO project also includes funding for one PhD student (who started September 2023) and a workshop (to be held in 2025). The applicant is welcome (but certainly not obliged) to get involved in the supervision of the PhD student and/or the organisation of the conference.

There is a strong and growing community working on stochastic analysis in Riemannian manifolds in the Netherlands, involving researchers from the UvA, VU, and TU Delft. In short, we offer a thriving research community with ample possibilities to interact and collaborate.

What are you going to do?
  • conducting independent research in stochastic analysis, resulting in academic publications in peer-reviewed international journals and/or books;
  • actively contributing to and developing national and international research networks and other forms of cooperation;
  • teaching courses in English, in the bachelor and master programmes (approximately 1 course per year);
  • (possibly) co-supervising Bachelor, Master and/or PhD theses.


  • a PhD in stochastic analysis;
  • committed researcher, demonstrated by publications in international refereed academic journals and academic publishers;
  • professional command of English;
  • experience in either numerical analysis for stochastic differential equations or in stochastic; differential equations in Riemannian manifolds.

Conditions of employment

A temporary contract for up to 38 hours a week, with a starting date preferably on 1-9-2024 for the duration of 24 months.

The salary, depending on relevant experience before the beginning of the employment contract, will be € 3,226 to € 5,090 (scale 10) gross per month, based on a fulltime contract (38 hours a week). This is exclusive 8% holiday allowance and 8.3% end-of-year bonus. A favourable tax agreement, the ‘30% ruling’, may apply to non-Dutch applicants. The Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities is applicable.

Are you curious about our extensive package of secondary employment benefits like our excellent opportunities for study and development? Take a look at


Faculty of Science

The Faculty of Science has a student body of around 7,000, as well as 1,600 members of staff working in education, research or support services. Researchers and students at the Faculty of Science are fascinated by every aspect of how the world works, be it elementary particles, the birth of the universe or the functioning of the brain.

The Korteweg-de Vries Instituut voor Wiskunde (KdV Institute) is the mathematical research institute of the Faculty of Science of the Universiteit van Amsterdam. The KdV Institute offers a stimulating scientific environment in which research focuses mainly within the research programmes (1) Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics, (2) Pure, Applied and Numerical Analysis, (3) Stochastics, and (4) Discrete Mathematics & Quantum Information. It also provides the lecturers and instructors for the mathematics teaching within the Science faculty.

The KdV Institute participates in the NWO research clusters GQT, STAR, NDNS+ and DIAMANT and in the Gravity programme NETWORKS. There is formal (and informal) cooperation with the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), the VU University, and with Eurandom in Eindhoven. KdVI counts about 50 staff members and 50 PhD students and postdocs.


Do you recognize yourself in the job profile? Then we look forward to receiving your application by March 17th 2024. Interviews for this position will likely be held in the week of April 8th. You can apply online by using the link below.

Applications in .pdf should include:
  • One pdf: a motivation letter with two names and email addresses of possible references
  • One pdf: CV, including a list of publications and preprints (all in one document)

Please mention the months (not just years) in your CV when referring to your education and work experience.

A knowledge security check can be part of the selection procedure.
(for details: National knowledge security guidelines)

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