Postdoc Position in Integrated Carbon Capture and Utilisation

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Postdoc Position in Integrated Carbon Capture and Utilisation

Deadline Published on Vacancy ID 12790

Academic fields

Natural sciences

Job types


Education level


Weekly hours

38 hours per week

Salary indication

€3226—€5090 per month


Science Park 904, 1098XH, Amsterdam

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Job description

Climate change brings with it urgent challenges, especially for the carbon cycle. The CO2 problem can be addressed through Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) and/or Carbon Capture & Utilisation (CCU). Chemistry and physics can provide us with technological solutions (e.g., storing CO2 in aquifers or its electrochemical conversion into value-added products), but technology alone is not enough. History, social sciences and political science are needed to understand the societal impacts of the various solutions. This understanding is essential for a successful implementation and acceptance of the new technologies.

We will explore and evaluate CCS, CCU and CCUS technologies and develop them into conceivable socio-technical scenarios, with special emphasis on electrochemistry as an enabler of CCUS. Starting with a historical analysis of the innovation context, we will analyse the scope and impact of the technologies based on regional and national resources in the Netherlands, Greece and Norway. The European data will be compared with data from Zhejiang province in China and from Brazil. Our overall goal is designing an integrated CCUS process with a high degree of social, political, and technological acceptance.

The social sciences aspects of the project will be aligned with the experimental part related to integrated carbon-capture utilisation. We are looking for a result-oriented chemist scientist with an open mind to social aspects who can work independently and drive their research project forward. The Heterogeneous Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry Group (HCSC) has an opening for postdoctoral researcher within the Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS) at the University of Amsterdam.

Do you want to make a difference in the fight against Global Climate Change? To evaluate the different scenarios in CCUS, collaborations with experimental and social & behavioral groups within University of Amsterdam are foreseen. The position is for 1.5 years starting as soon as possible. Candidates must have a PhD in Chemistry or Social & Behavioral Sciences. This post-doc will be based at the Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences, and will be jointly supervised by dr Amanda Garcia from the Faculty of Sciences and prof. dr John Grin from the Faculty of Social Behavioral and Sciences.

What are you going to do?
The current, social-science vacancy is for a post-doc position to assess, ex ante, for the abovementioned applications the societal and technological impacts of CCS and CCU technologies and scenarios, with special emphasis on the impacts of electrochemical conversion options for CO2 in the Netherlands and Western Europe. To obtain a balanced view and examine the transferability of the conclusions across countries and societies, you will compare the European data with data for Zhejiang province in China, obtained via our connection to the Shanghai Institute for Cleantech Innovation and Brazil. Findings are to be translated into design criteria for the further technical development of innovations, so as to promote their successful introduction.

Task and responsibilities
  • Write articles for publication and present papers/ posters at national and international conferences as directed by the head of laboratory.
  • Demonstrate excellent communication skills in English;
  • Collaborate with the postdoc at the experimental group;
  • Contribute a dynamic group of students and researchers;
  • Provide general assistance as needed with other research related activities;
  • Write progress reports and prepare results for publication and dissemination via journals, presentations and the web;
  • Oversee, supervise and train, in association with the supervisor, undergraduate and postgraduate students.


Your experience and profile
  • A PhD degree in Chemistry or in Social and Behavioral Sciences;
  • Experience in Electrochemistry;
  • Experience in Science and Technology Studies (STS);
  • Experience with Lifecycle, PEST and Impact analyses are required;
  • Experience with Interactive Technology Assessment (ITA);
  • Experience in supervising PhD research;
  • Experience in supporting tasks and the willingness to take the responsibility for administrative tasks, such as organisation meetings/workshops;
  • Flexible, readiness to participate in interdisciplinary cooperation and multidisciplinary development (verifiably focused on collaboration with other disciplines).

Conditions of employment

A temporary contract for 38 hours per week, preferably starting on 1st of May 2024, for the duration of 18 months. Based on a full-time contract (38 hours per week) the gross monthly salary will range from € 3,226 to € 5,090 (scale 10). This is exclusive 8% holiday allowance and 8.3% end-of-year bonus. A favourable tax agreement, the ‘30% ruling’, may apply to non-Dutch applicants. The Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities is applicable. The UvA offers excellent possibilities for further professional development and education.

Besides the salary and a vibrant and challenging environment at Science Park we offer you multiple fringe benefits:
  • 232 holiday hours per year (based on fulltime) and extra holidays between Christmas and 1 January;
  • Multiple courses to follow from our Teaching and Learning Centre;
  • A complete educational program for PhD students;
  • Multiple courses on topics such as leadership for academic staff;
  • Multiple courses on topics such as time management, handling stress and an online learning platform with 100+ different courses;
  • 7 weeks birth leave (partner leave) with 100% salary;
  • Partly paid parental leave;
  • The possibility to set up a workplace at home;
  • A pension at ABP for which UvA pays two third part of the contribution;
  • The possibility to follow courses to learn Dutch.

Are you curious to read more about our extensive package of secondary employment benefits, take a look here.


Faculty of Science

The Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS) is one of eight institutes of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) Faculty of Science. HIMS performs internationally recognized chemistry and molecular research, curiosity driven as well as application driven. This is done in close cooperation with the chemical, flavor & food, medical and high-tech industries. Research is organized into four themes: Analytical Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Synthesis & Catalysis and Molecular Photonics.

Whereas, education and research at the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences (FMG) at the UvA focus on social and people-oriented issues, driven by scientific curiosity, and addressing societal questions. It is the largest educational and research institution in the field of social and behavioral sciences in Europe.

Application procedure

Do you recognize yourself in the job profile? Then we look forward to receiving your application by 15th of April 2024. You may apply online by using the link below.

Applications in 2 PDFs should include:
  • a letter of motivation
  • a curriculum vitae (including complete list of publications) and names and contact details (email and telephone numbers) of three references

Note that this position requires a PhD and proven knowledge/experience in social and behavioral sciences. Candidates who do not fulfil these two requirements will not be considered.

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