- Are you interested in working in a research consortium with esteemed partners from both academia and industry?
- Are you inspired to push the boundaries of design principles in high-end technology applications?
- Are you fascinated by the potential of metamaterials to outperform conventional materials?
Join the METRAMAT project, a MSCA European Doctoral Network aimed at training young researchers to become skilled in metamaterial development by researching and creating a combined set of design, simulation, manufacturing, testing, reliability assessment and integration tools that will strengthen the European manufacturing industry and lead to a sustainable society.
Job DescriptionThe European manufacturing industry, crucial for economic competitiveness, faces challenges pushing the limits of traditional materials, particularly in high-tech sectors like lithography and micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS). Metamaterials, built up from rationally, pre-designed architected substructures, hold the promise to outperform conventional materials and redefine the boundaries of industrial design practices, which can drive the much-needed transformational changes in European manufacturing industry.
METRAMAT aims to train 10 researchers in metamaterial development. The involvement of MEMS, lithography and additive manufacturing industries ensures that the scientific training is tuned to existing industrial challenges requiring new fundamental solutions, such as positioning accuracy, sensor sensitivity or shielding of external vibrational disturbances, with emphasis on design for manufacturability and reliability. Together with the transferable skills training, secondments and networking opportunities, this program will provide a solid foundation for a successful career in either industry or academia.
Position DC1: For this position, you will focus on modelling, design, and optimization of metamaterials with tunable mechanical properties. You will develop modelling techniques for rational design and optimization of new metamaterial unit cells with switchable mechanical properties, using multiphysics modelling and topology or shape optimization tools. The main focus will be on relation between static and dynamic properties, such as effective stiffness and changes in anisotropy, leading to switchable directional band gaps or adjustable directionality in wave propagation and vibration control. You will also spend some time at our partner organizations during planned secondments at NTNU (NO), Politecnico di Milano (IT) and Additive Industries (NL).
Position DC9: For this position, you will focus on simulation methodologies for metamaterial integration at the system level. You will develop efficient computational techniques to enable simulations for metamaterial integration into (existing) components or systems, which imposes constraints on the finite size and shape of metamaterial domain, and requires taking into account the effects of boundaries and interfaces to other system components. You will also spend some time at our partner organizations during planned secondments at KU Leuven (BE) and ASML (NL).
More information on the METRAMAT project and other METRAMAT DC positions, both at TU/e and at partner institutions, can be found on the METRAMAT website: