As an internationally recognized excellent university, TU/e seek to increase the collaborations with top partners from science and industry, at the European and global level, and to continue to actively participating in major (funding) initiatives and programs. In the period 2024-2030, TU/e will focus first on improving its leadership, visibility, and recognition in Europe. TU/e aim for pro-active attitude, stronger presence and taking leading role in projects/programs, which will be accompanied by enhanced communication and strategic partnering to strengthen TU/e's reputation.
In this effort, TU/e's strategic cooperation agenda and its programs with international partners, such as the alliance with other 5 leading engineering universities in EuroTech Universities Alliance, are essential actions that require dedicated strategies, policies, management, and coordination.
Alongside colleagues who are responsible for international and industry cooperation, as well as International Affairs strategy and policy, and (new and existing) external counterparts of TU/e's strategic partners, the PMIA will manage and coordinate the execution of TU/e's International Affairs (programmatic) Cooperation agenda in support of TU/e's Board, which is represented by a Scientific Director of International Affairs, as well and jointly develop the strategic direction of these. Also, the PMIA will develop (and advise on) any related strategy & policy matters.
The PMIA will formally report to the university's Office for Strategic Industry and Government Affairs 'SIG'. SIG leads, in close cooperation with and in support of the board, the development of TU/e's strategic networks in politics, government and industry where impact (innovation) is paramount.
Responsibilities and tasksManaging the International Affairs programs
- Manage the execution of new and existing TU/e's large international affairs programs, in particular, concerning the efforts of TU/e staff active within these programs, of which TU/e's program within the EuroTech Alliance is at present by far the largest (about 50% of the job).
- Organize the internal governance (such as structure, process, and communication) required for the development and execution of these International Affairs programs.
- Act as the linking pin between TU/e's program development and execution, and external new and existing managing counterparts such as EuroTech's Brussels Office.
International Affairs program development
- Develop policies, and execution modes for key international affairs programs (such as with the EuroTech Alliance), in a close cooperation with internal stakeholders such as the Executive Board, faculties, institutes, staff etc.
- Pro-actively support the Scientific Director International Affairs and the Executive Board on the (need for new) directions of TU/e International Affairs programs such as the before mentioned.
International Affairs Strategy & policy support- Work with TU/e's Advisor International Research and other GA members on creating strategies and policies for developments regarding different (non-programmatic) aspects of international cooperation such as on knowledge safety, governance and academic-industry relations.