Faculty Positions at QuSoft

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Faculty Positions at QuSoft

Deadline Published on Vacancy ID 13290

Academic fields

Natural sciences

Job types

Research, development, innovation; Assistant professor; Associate professor; Professor

Education level


Salary indication

€4492—€6986 per month


Science Park 904, 1098XH, Amsterdam

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Job description

Do you want to be part of QuSoft, the world-leading centre for quantum software in Amsterdam? The University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) each have an opening for a tenure-track or tenured position in the area of quantum computing. We are seeking applications from both early-career researchers (as early as final year of PhD) and highly experienced researchers (comparable to associate or full professor level). Depending on the level of seniority, a tenure-track or a tenured position will be offered to you.

Both positions will be part of QuSoft, the Dutch research centre for quantum software, launched in 2015 to combine the quantum computing research of CWI and of the University of Amsterdam. QuSoft’s mission is to use the extraordinary properties of quantum mechanics, such as superposition, interference and entanglement, to develop new algorithms, communication protocols, and applications for small and medium-sized prototypes as well as larger quantum computers. QuSoft values diversity and inclusion, and improving the gender representation within QuSoft is an urgent concern. To this end, we will, among equally qualified candidates, prioritise applications from women researchers (including identifying as).

The positions are in the area of quantum computing, particularly in one or more of the following subareas:
  • quantum algorithms,
  • quantum complexity theory,
  • quantum error-correction and fault-tolerance,
  • quantum cryptography,
  • quantum simulation of molecules and materials,
  • quantum information theory.

Note that these are two positions with two separate employers (University of Amsterdam and CWI), but they will be filled by a joint hiring committee; all applications will be considered for both positions.

What are you going to do?
Your research will strengthen one or more of the subareas mentioned above. You will join the QuSoft faculty and take on an active role in shaping and developing the centre – building up towards a leading role within QuSoft. Your embedding in a particular department will be chosen according to your profile. Regarding teaching, you are expected to contribute to the new Quantum Computer Science Master program, by teaching a masters-level course and supervising MSc theses and projects. Further teaching involvement will depend on your experience and expertise, as well as whether you will be embedded either at UvA or at CWI.

Your profile
We are looking for excellent scientists with recognized expertise in quantum computing, with a focus on one or more of the above subareas. You find inspiration in collaborations within different fields of interest like computer science, mathematics, physics, chemistry. You have a successful scientific track record in quantum information, computation or simulation. Most importantly, you display the ability and capacity to develop an independent research program of funded research. This includes the acquisition of funding, and supervision of PhD students and postdocs.

Your experience and profile:
  • PhD in Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics or a related field;
  • a motivational lecturer with a passion for teaching;
  • committed researcher, demonstrated by publications in international refereed academic journals and conference proceedings;
  • experience in supporting tasks and the willingness to take the responsibility for administrative tasks, such as organisation and coordination of university education and research;
  • professional command of English and a willingness to learn Dutch.

In addition, we highly value (but do not require) the following:
  • experience in acquiring funding for research projects through government agencies or the private sector;
  • experience in supervising PhD research;
  • experience with scientific leadership and organisational tasks, such as conference/workshop organisation, committee leadership, etc.;
  • experience with outreach activities and science communication.

Our offer
Start dates are negotiable. Depending on qualifications and experience, the positions will be filled either as tenure-track (assistant professor) or permanent (associate professor; in exceptional cases full professorship can be considered). Based on your profile, your embedding will either be at the University of Amsterdam (in an appropriately chosen department) or at CWI. The selection committee will include this in their recommendation. Although governed by slightly different collective labor agreements (see here for UvA and here for CWI/NWO-I), both employers have similar employment conditions. Are you curious to read more about our extensive package of secondary employment benefits, then please take a look here (for UvA) and here (for CWI). For tenure-track candidates, the starting salary will be in scale 11 or 12 and will range from a minimum of € 4,492,- gross per month up to a maximum of € 6,986,- gross per month (depending slightly on the employer). An attractive startup package will be part of the offer.

About us

QuSoft is the Dutch centre for quantum software, a collaboration between CWI and the University of Amsterdam, housed by CWI. QuSoft maintains a vibrant and supportive quantum computing research community, consistently co-authoring approximately 10% of accepted QIP talks. We host regular international visitors, including a rotating Turing Chair; recently launched a Master program in Quantum Computer Science at the University of Amsterdam; and have regular social events, such as open stage nights, and an annual retreat. About 100 people (including approximately 40 PhD, 10 PD, 10 support staff) are involved in QuSoft. We are an interdisciplinary research centre, involving researchers from CWI and five institutes at UvA’s Faculty of Science: the Institute of Physics (IoP), the Institute of Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC), the Informatics Institute (IvI), the Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics (KdVI), the Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS).

The University of Amsterdam (UvA) is the Netherlands' largest university, offering the widest range of academic programmes. At the UvA, 42,000 students, 6,000 staff members and 3,000 PhD candidates study and work in a diverse range of fields, connected by a culture of curiosity. Its Faculty of Science has a student body of around 8,000, as well as 1,800 members of staff working in education, research or support services. Read more about working at the University of Amsterdam.

Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) is the Dutch national research institute for mathematics and computer science, based in Amsterdam. Visit www.cwi.nl or watch our video about working at CWI. To hear from CWI colleagues about what it is like to work at CWI, please visit: https://www.cwi.nl/en/jobs/why-cwi/testimonials.

Any questions?
Do you have any questions, or do you require additional information? Please contact:

Job application
If you feel the profile fits you, and you are interested in the job, we look forward to receiving your application. You can apply online via the button below. We accept applications until and including 30 September 2024.

Applications should include the following information (all files including your CV should be submitted in one single pdf file):
  • a detailed CV including the months (not just years) when referring to your education and work experience – you may also indicate absences or unusual periods that may have impacted your output, such as parental or other leave;
  • a letter of motivation, explaining why you would like to join QuSoft;
  • open-access links to your three favourite publications, with concise motivation (max 100 words each);
  • a research plan for the next few years, including ideas on acquiring funding (1-2 pages);
  • a teaching statement, explaining your previous educational activities and plans how to contribute to the MSc Quantum Computer Science (0.5-1 page);
  • a research community statement, describing the type of research environment you want to foster at QuSoft, with a view to diversity, equity and inclusion, and social safety (0.25-1 page);
  • the names and email addresses of two senior scientists who can provide letters of recommendation – letters will only be requested from the referees of short-listed candidates.

Please make sure to provide all requested documents mentioned above.
Please use the CV field to upload all requested documents, including the motivation letter and CV, as one single pdf file. You can leave the Cover Letter field empty.

Only complete applications received within the response period via the link below will be considered.

A knowledge security check can be part of the selection procedure (for details: check the national knowledge security guidelines).

The interviews will be held in the course of December 2024.

The UvA is an equal-opportunity employer. We prioritise diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for everyone. We value a spirit of enquiry and perseverance, provide the space to keep asking questions, and promote a culture of curiosity and creativity.

No agencies please.

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