Interim Dean AUC

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Interim Dean AUC

Are you a visionary leader with a passion for interdisciplinary education and an international outlook? The UvA and VU Executive Boards are seeking an Interim Dean to guide Amsterdam University College.

Deadline Published on Vacancy ID 4493

Academic fields


Job types


Education level

University graduate


De Boelelaan 1105, 1081HV, Amsterdam

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Job description

Amsterdam University College (AUC) offers a liberal arts and sciences (LAS) programme with a strong Science profile leading to a joint bachelor's degree issued by the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). AUC is based on the American liberal arts and sciences model, with students living and studying together on an international campus located at Amsterdam Science Park. The programme is taught entirely in English, is small-scale and selective (“special feature small-scale and intensive education”), and admits a maximum of 300 students each year based on their academic performance and motivation.

Universities are currently confronted with budget cuts in higher education, and limitations due to the new law (WIB, Internationalisation in Balance Act) that aims to reduce the number of English taught programmes and intake of foreign students. This may affect AUC in particular, given its programme and composition of the student population. This means that in the coming year a vision needs to be developed for the future, that builds on the current strengths of the AUC and its position in the educational landscape, but may also lead to substantial changes in due time. Therefore, the position is now advertised as an interim position for two years.

The interim Dean AUC:
  • is integrally responsible for AUC, including the educational programme as well as the organizational and financial management;
  • supports the position of AUC as a LAS programme with a strong Science profile;
  • develops scenarios for the future direction of AUC, given the current challenges, that may (or may not) include or involve:
    • Preparing for the “Toets Anderstalige Opleiding (‘Test foreign language educational programme’: a test to get permission for an English taught BSc programme by the minister of Education, Culture and Science).
    • Seek synergy with other and related BSc programmes at UvA and VU.
    • Seek collaboration with University Colleges elsewhere.
    • Consider applying for the Certificate for Quality in Internationalisation (CeQuInt) by European Consortium for Accreditation (See
  • is responsible for consistent and transparent communication in decision-making and change processes;
  • invests in an open relationship with the AUC community, including students, academic and support staff, as well as the participatory bodies;
  • reports to the Science Deans UvA and VU;
  • is supported by an International Advisory Board.


A successful candidate will:
  • have explicit affinity with the Liberal Arts and Sciences education and interdisciplinary approach;
  • have an academic background and an academic reputation and proven affinity with Sciences, the academic status of full professor and a strong passion for education;
  • have an international outlook as well as a firm footing in the Dutch academic and political landscapes;
  • have proven experience in managing a(n) (inter)national institution in transition, and the skills to formulate and analyse scenario’s for the future of AUC;
  • be an energetic team player who can lead a team of peers, with proven strong communication skills and a preference for an open debate, approachable by professionals and students alike;
  • actively work on promoting diversity and inclusiveness of the AUC community;
  • understand that AUC is a relatively small college in transition;
  • will be actively committed to stimulate an internal culture of openness and respect for a diversity of opinions.
  • have an excellent command of the Dutch and English language.

Conditions of employment

The appointment is for a two-year period for 0.6 – 0.8 fte. The preferred starting date is March 1st, 2025.

The salary amounts to a minimum of €7,756 and a maximum of €12,239 gross per month, on a full-time basis of 38 hours per week, in accordance with salary scale H1.

The Collective Labour Agreement of Universities of the Netherlands is applicable.


Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Amsterdam University College is driven and defined by the commitment to getting the best out of students. Our community aims at being inclusive of race, ethnicity, nationality, culture, language, gender and gender expression, sexuality, religious beliefs, political beliefs, age and ability, and is aware that inclusiveness is a constant process. We aim for an environment where every member of our community can safely express their opinion and knows their contribution is valued. Different approaches, ideas and values are integral to the creation of a vibrant and challenging learning environment. We encourage dialogue, constructive and cooperative conversations, and an open mind. Finally, we believe that global perspectives are the key to connectivity, and our students engage proactively with individuals, communities, and organizations around the world, starting from the Amsterdam location.

Amsterdam University College is uniquely located in Amsterdam Science Park amidst top-level institutions dedicated to scientific research and innovation. All these institutes have close ties with AUC, offering opportunities to AUC students for research internships and capstone work. In addition, the institutes host joint seminars with and at AUC, and high-profile guests from these institutions are regularly invited to provide lectures at AUC.

Working at VU Amsterdam

Working at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam means contributing to a better world. Working beyond the confidence of your own field, working with an open mind and working for the benefit of society.

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