Full-time PhD candidate interested in Health Economics

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Full-time PhD candidate interested in Health Economics

The Department of Health Services Research (HSR), Maastricht University (UM), is looking for an enthusiastic and highly motivated PhD Candidate in the field of health Technology Assessment.

Deadline Published on Vacancy ID AT2023.310

Academic fields

Health; Economics

Job types


Education level

University graduate

Weekly hours

38 hours per week

Salary indication

€2541—€3247 per month


P. Debyelaan 25, 6229 HX, Maastricht

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Job description

For patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy who are not eligible for (re)operation, there is a pressing need to improve minimally invasive curative treatment. This comes with the benefit of improved clinical (seizure) outcomes for this under-served population (currently dependent on palliative therapies), reduced treatment risk, improved quality of life and lower societal costs. To achieve this goal, an innovative artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted clinical intervention planning suite by seamlessly integrating available technologies based on multimodal brain imaging and invasive electrophysiological recordings of different brain regions will be developed. To investigate this topic, NWO has granted the project called ‘’AI-assisted 4D cortical assessment for Minimally invasive treatment of EPILEPSY (AIM@EPILEPSY)’’. We are looking for a PhD Candidate who will investigate the effects, the societal costs as well as the cost-effectiveness of this new AI-based treatment for drug-resistant focal epilepsy patients.

AIM@EPILIPSY is a multidimensional research consortium. As so you will work together with three other PhD Candidates of the Department of Neurosurgery at (MUMC+), Clinical Data Science (Maastricht University), Computer Graphics and Visualization (TU Delft) and HSR Department (UM). You will be supervised by Prof Silvia Evers (Professor of Public Health Technology Assessment) and Dr Ghislaine van Mastrigt (Assistant Professor in Health Technology Assessment and Epidemiology). Your responsibilities will be:

  • Estimating the societal costs and quality of life impact of drug-resistant focal epilepsy on the patients, their family members and their surroundings.
  • Assessing the cost-effectiveness of AI-assisted 4D cortical assessment for minimally invasive treatment of drug-resistant focal epilepsy.
  • Investigating the budget impact of AI-assisted 4D cortical assessment for minimally invasive treatment of drug-resistant focal epilepsy.
  • Disseminating and publishing the findings of the above-mentioned studies.
  • Lecture for the bachelor and master programs at our faculty and will be part of the Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment group of HSR (UM).


You are enthusiastic to work in an international context. Within this context, you are a versatile generalist who wants to contribute to multidisciplinary research. You are a good communicator, who is capable to motivate the team to work towards the common success of a project. Furthermore you: 

  • Have a master’s degree in health sciences, health economics, health technology assessment, public health or a related discipline (Students who will graduate in June/July/August 2023 are welcome to apply).
  • You have interest and understanding of health technology assessment, health economics and economic evaluation.
  • You must be fluent in both spoken and written English, at least at the level of B2 or C1 (skilled or advanced). Knowledge of the Dutch language is a plus but not a requirement.
  • You need to be willing to relocate to the Netherlands.

Conditions of employment

As a PhD Candidate at the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, you will be employed by the most international university of the Netherlands, located in the beautiful city of Maastricht. In addition, we offer you:

  • Good employment conditions. The position is in grated in scale P according to the UFO profile PhD Candidate with corresponding salary ranging from € 2.541 to € 3.247 gross per month (based on a full-time employment of 38 hours per week). In addition to the monthly salary, an 8.0% holiday allowance and an 8.3% year-end bonus are applicable.
  • An employment contract for a period of 12 months with a scope of 1.0 FTE. Upon a positive evaluation, an extension of 4 years will follow.
  • As a holder of the 'Family-friendly University' quality mark, we offer flexible working hours and the possibility to work partly from home if the nature of your position allows it. You will receive a monthly commuting and internet allowance for this. If you work full-time, you will be entitled to 29 vacation days and 4 additional public holidays per year, namely carnival Monday, carnival Tuesday, Good Friday, and Liberation Day. If you choose to accumulate compensation hours, an additional 12 days will be added. Furthermore, you can personalize your employment conditions through a collective labor agreement (CAO) choice model.
  • As Maastricht University, we offer various other excellent secondary employment conditions. These include a good pension scheme with the ABP and the opportunity for UM employees to participate in company fitness and make use of the extensive sports facilities that we also offer to our students.
  • Last but certainly not least, we provide the space and facilities for your personal and professional development. We facilitate this by offering a wide range of training programs and supporting various well-established initiatives such as 'acknowledge and appreciate'.

The terms of employment at Maastricht University are largely set out in the Collective Bargaining Agreement of Dutch Universities. In addition, local provisions specific to UM apply. For more information, Click here


Maastricht University

Why work at Maastricht University?

At Maastricht University (UM), everything revolves around the future. The future of our students, as we work to equip them with a solid, broad-based foundation for the rest of their lives. And the future of society, as we seek solutions through our research to issues from all around the world. Our six faculties combined provide a comprehensive package of study programmes and research.  

In our teaching, we use the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) method. Students work in small groups, looking for solutions to problems themselves. By discussing issues and working together to draw conclusions, formulate answers and present them to their peers, students develop essential skills for their future careers.

With over 22,300 students and more than 5,000 employees from all over the world, UM is home to a vibrant and inspiring international community.

Are you drawn to an international setting focused on education, science and scholarship? Are you keen to contribute however your skills and qualities allow? Our door is open to you! As a young European university, we value your talent and look forward to creating the future together.

Click here for more information about UM.


Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences

At the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML), everything revolves around healthy living. Our research and education focuses not only on recovery, but also on prevention, health maintenance and health promotion. Our mission is to use our knowledge and expertise to bring about healthy lives for individuals and for society as a whole. FHML works closely in education, research and healthcare provision with the Maastricht academic hospital, together with which it forms the Maastricht University Medical Centre (MUMC+).

The largest faculty at Maastricht University, FHML is home to an international community of staff and students. We offer a wide range of Dutch- and English-taught bachelor’s and master’s programmes, using innovative educational concepts and building bridges to practice.

Research at FHML is multidisciplinary and revolves around select, topical themes. It encompasses the full spectrum, from fundamental research aiming to gain new insights to research whose results translate directly into concrete applications and innovations. The various research programmes are organised into our six graduate schools and research institutes.

CAPHRI – Care and Public Health Research Institute

CAPHRI works towards better health for everyone through innovative solutions for healthcare and public health care. CAPHRI builds bridges between science and society by conducting research with an inclusive and participatory approach. The research focuses on prevention and innovation ranging from public - and primary health care, to person-oriented long-term care.

Our research has a strong multidisciplinary approach with attention to local, regional and global themes embedded in six research lines: Ageing and Long-Term Care, Creating Value-Based Health Care, Functioning, Participation and Rehabilitation, Health Inequities and Societal Participation, Optimising Patient Care; and Promoting Health and Personalised Care.

Working at CAPHRI means being engaged in an active and inspiring academic setting and making a real contribution to the improvement of care and public health. CAPHRI attracts top scientists from around the world and is known for its comprehensive PhD training programme for young talented scientists.


Application procedure

You can respond to this vacancy by sending your motivation letter and CV (as pdf file), stating the vacancy number AT2023.310, by email to:

A selection-assessment will be part of the selection procedure.

Maastricht University is committed to promoting and nurturing a diverse and inclusive community. We believe that diversity in our staff and student population contributes to the quality of research and education at UM, and strive to enable this through inclusive policies and innovative projects led by teams of staff and students. We encourage you to apply for this position.

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Maastricht University distinguishes itself with its innovative education model, international character and multidisciplinary approach to research and education.

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