Professor of European and Comparative Financial Law

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Professor of European and Comparative Financial Law

Deadline Published on Vacancy ID 1215462

Academic fields


Job types

Lecturer; Assistant professor; Associate professor; Professor

Education level

University graduate

Salary indication

€6648—€9680 per month


Houtlaan 4, 6525 XZ, Nijmegen

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Job description

The proper regulation of the financial sector is a topic that - in part also due to the global financial crisis - is being given priority on the social and political agenda, not only in the Netherlands, but first and foremost at the international and European levels. For this reason, the Faculty of Law established a full-time Chair in European and Comparative Financial Law at the Financial Law Centre (FLC), part of the Radboud Business Law Institute (OO&R). This Chair was established in addition to the already existing Chair in Financial Law. The details of the Chair in European and Comparative Financial Law are outlined below.

The Chair in European and Comparative Financial Law comprises both the public and private law aspects of the regulation of the financial sector and its actors, such as banks, insurance companies, collective investment schemes, and investment firms. It comprises topics such as macro-prudential supervision (systemic risk), the effectivity of the European supervisory framework, market abuse, the public offering of securities, the European Banking Union, the Capital Markets Union, sustainable finance, the impact of Brexit on financial markets regulation, and the significance of technological developments for financial sector regulation (FinTech). The Chair in European and Comparative Financial Law is positioned at the interface of law, finance and economics.

Developments in financial law have unfolded very quickly, especially since the global financial crisis. Several initiatives, both internationally and within Europe, as well as within the various Member States of the European Union, have been launched to strengthen the regulation of the financial sector in order to help reduce the risk of a future financial crisis as much as possible. With the creation of the European Banking Union, the ECB has exercised direct supervision over the largest and most international banks in the euro area since November 2014. The foregoing illustrates the Chair's international and European orientation.

The duties of the Chair in European and Comparative Financial Law (1.0 FTE) include:
(1) conducting high-profile international research in the field of European and comparative financial law;
(2) teaching within the context of the Master's specialisation in Financial Law and of post-initial courses;
(3) supervising PhD candidates and acquiring direct government funding for research (Dutch Research Council (NWO)) as well as indirect government funding and contract funding.
(4) managing the financial law department and making a contribution to the management of the Faculty of Law in general.

The appointment of a full-time Professor of European and Comparative Financial Law addresses the need to enhance the FLC research programme to which the national and academic research requirements of focus and mass apply. The Chair fits in with the Law Faculty's policy of further internationalisation.

At the organisational level, the holder of the Chair falls under the responsibility of the Dean.


  • As holder of the Chair, you will conduct your research in complete independence. Integrity, transparency, social responsibility and independence will be core values of and within your research. You will also instil these core values in the researchers in the FLC programme and at OO&R.
  • OO&R seeks a professor with an international profile who is able to study the various issues surrounding financial sector regulation in an integrated manner and from a comparative, international and European perspective. You must therefore be an expert in the field of financial law and demonstrate an ability to study all aspects from a comparative, international and European perspective.
  • You should have an excellent international academic network as well as excellent international contacts in the financial sector. Practical experience in the international financial sector would be an advantage.
  • Preferably, you have a good command of the Dutch language, or are willing to learn this language as soon as possible.

Conditions of employment

Fixed-term contract: It concerns a temporary employment for contract for 1.5 years with the possibility of a permanent contract after positive evaluation.

  • It concerns an employment for 1.0 FTE.
  • The gross monthly salary amounts to a minimum of €6,648 and a maximum of €9,680 based on a 38-hour working week, depending on previous education and number of years of relevant work experience (salary scale H2).
  • It concerns a temporary employment for contract for 1.5 years with the possibility of a permanent contract after positive evaluation.
  • You will be able to use our Dual Career and Family Care Services. Our Dual Career and Family Care Officer can assist you with family-related support, help your partner or spouse prepare for the local labour market, provide customized support in their search for employment and help your family settle in Nijmegen.
  • Working for us means getting extra days off. In case of full-time employment, you can choose between 30 or 41 days of annual leave instead of the legally allotted 20.
Work and science require good employment practices. This is reflected in Radboud University's primary and secondary employment conditions. You can make arrangements for the best possible work-life balance with flexible working hours, various leave arrangements and working from home. You are also able to compose part of your employment conditions yourself, for example, exchange income for extra leave days and receive a reimbursement for your sports subscription. And of course, we offer a good pension plan. You are given plenty of room and responsibility to develop your talents and realise your ambitions. Therefore, we provide various training and development schemes.


The Faculty of Law's core tasks are education and research. The academic education provided focuses on training all-round lawyers and delivering postgraduate courses for lawyers.

The Radboud Business Law Institute (OO&R): OO&R engages in academic research in the broad field of business law, covering complex legal issues that are highly relevant at the national, European and global levels, comprising all fields of law relevant to the operation of business in society. OO&R offers four research programmes that are closely interconnected: (1) business and patrimonial law (including European private law); (2) company law (Van der Heijden Institute, VHI); (3) finance, security rights and insolvency law; and (4) financial law (Financial Law Centre, FLC). OO&R aspires to be the leading academic legal institute in the field of business law in the Netherlands and strives to play an important role at the European level.

The Chair in European and Comparative Financial Law is well aligned with the other Chairs at the Financial Law Centre: Financial Law (1.0 FTE), Financial Supervision Law (0.2 FTE), Banking Law and Financial Regulation (0.2 FTE), Business Law and Finance (0.2 FTE), Private Law Aspects of Securities Law (0.2 FTE), Asset Management and Pension Funds (0.2 FTE), and Corporate Criminal Law (0.2 FTE). They reinforce each other so as to ensure that the broad field of financial law receives due attention. The Chairs are largely complementary. You will significantly expand the capacity of the Financial Law Centre and make its research group more resilient and future-proof.

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Application procedure

You can apply until 22 October 2023, exclusively using the button below. Kindly address your application to Prof. Danny Busch. Please fill in the application form and attach the following documents:
  • A letter of motivation.
  • Your CV.
You would preferably begin employment on 1 January 2024.
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We want to get the best out of science, others and ourselves. Why? Because this is what the world around us desperately needs. Leading research and education make an indispensable contribution to a healthy, free world with equal opportunities for all.

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