Are you inspired by designing integrated circuits?
Are you fascinated by new technologies to build electronics?
Are you our next EngD trainee in flexible electronics?
Are you eager to work on designing circuits that nobody tried before?
Are you passionate about having your design being fabricated and working as you wanted?
Job DescriptionWhen you think about chips and electronics you probably have in mind small black boxes of plastic soldered on a green, rigid plastic board. In the last 20 years, thanks to new processes to build transistors based on special materials, it has become possible to build transistors and electronics on a thin and flexible sheet of plastic, or even paper.
The advantages are many: imagine if you want to pick up signals from your muscles, or from the brain: having a flexible sheet of electronics on your body is far more comfortable than a thick and rigid piece of plastic.
This can enable new wearables for e.g. controlling prosthesis, picking up contraction signals from the skin, or Ultrasound patches able to make an echography without the intervention of an expert operator, or soft displays for new form-factor smart phones.
The main challenge of this EngD position is to design circuits that implement advanced mixed-signal functions, such as Data Converters, using flexible electronics. Flexible electronics is much more variable than Si CMOS, and thus design needs to compensate for this variability.
The circuits will be fabricated at Pragmatic Semiconductor, which is our partner for this project ( You will also strive to apply the circuit designed to a specific application, which will be defined in detail together with Pragmatic. Examples include indeed picking up signals from the muscles or from the brain, to control prosthesis. You will be part of a team working on flexible and printed electronics in the Emerging Technologies lab ( ) of the Integrated Circuits group.
Details on the EngD program can be found at:
2-year post master technology: Engineering Doctorate (EngD) (