At the Laboratory of Systems and Synthetic Biology (SSB) at Wageningen University & Research (WUR) we are looking for a new colleague to complement our data analysis and data and model integration group and to contribute to our teaching portfolio. Will you join us?
What are you going to do? As assistant professor you will contribute to the research and education of the Laboratory of Systems and Synthetic Biology (SSB).
You will set up and maintain a research line on the development of machine learning, neural networks, deep learning and/or AI technologies (theoretical and/or applied) with applications complementary or adjacent to core research themes of SSB.
In particular:
- you will build and lead your own group with your own lines of research on AI and machine learning interacting with other scientists at SSB;
- you will set up collaborations and attract funding for PhD candidates and postdocs to support your research lines;
- you will contribute to the education activities of SSB: you will lecture in English taught MSc and BSc level courses, and you will have the opportunity of innovating courses when needed and setting up new courses, when possible, in collaboration with other group members; you will supervise BSc and MSc thesis projects that fit your expertise and research interests;
- you will take part in the organization and day-to-day management of the SSB group, and you will contribute academic services to Wageningen University & Research as a whole and to the broader scientific community.
This position offers the opportunity to develop an academic career in AI/Machine learning within a Systems and Life sciences. You will work on the Wageningen Campus in a group highly engaged in Systems science, education, and research. We offer an open, relaxed, and fun atmosphere, with great flexibility for what concern working conditions.
Tenure Track is a career path for scientists who pursue to excel in education and research. We seek to attract scientific talent and to stimulate and support their development.
Who are we? We are a dynamic multidisciplinary group where physicists, mathematicians, (bio)chemists, biologists and microbiologists work together on a diverse portfolio of multidisciplinary projects, both theoretical and experimental, ranging from microbial metabolism and its regulation, microbe-microbe interaction, microbial-host interactions, design of microbial communities and systems health applications for both human and animals.
The group organizes and teaches courses in several study programmes, including a successful MSc programme in Bioinformatics & Systems Biology, and in various graduate school programmes and in national and international initiatives.
Currently the group consists of one full professor, 2 associate professors, 3assistant professors (Tenure-track), two lecturers, 3 technicians and 15 PhD students and BSc and Master students.
The group has its own computer cluster, and it is staffed with a data steward and a scientific programmer to support both routine and scientific activities. In addition, you will have access to FAIR data management infrastructures for omics datasets through the FAIR data platform in the UNLOCK infrastructure. Finally, we also have a fully equipped experimental molecular biology laboratory.
We believe that AI and Machine/Deep learning can be complemented with statistical and mathematical modelling to arrive at a systems level description and understanding of complex biological systems and problems. For this reason, we are looking for a new, dynamic and enthusiast colleague to join our computational team and to have fun while doing great science with us!