The department of Dentistry is one of 38 medical departments of the Radboudumc. It consists of roughly 300 employees. The department focuses mainly on training dental students (67 students per year, in a 6-year BSc-MSc curriculum). The postgraduate specialization Orthodontics is also positioned within the department, while the postgraduate specialization Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is positioned within a separate department. Second-line outpatient orofacial care from both departments is organized in the Centre for Orofacial Care. The department currently has seven professors and they fall under the head of the department a.i.
Radboudumc is changing its organisation, management and ways of working (together). We are doing this to be able to help our patients even better in the future, to conduct even better research and to respond even better to social developments. Radboudumc is working on these changes in well-considered steps, within the
Fit for the Future programme. As the Radboudumc organization is in transition, the organization of the department will also change, with a focus on establishing the Centre for Orofacial Care, where specialized oral and maxillofacial surgical care will be concentrated.
Radboudumc Radboud university medical center is a university medical center for patient care, scientific research, and education in Nijmegen. Radboud university medical center strives to be at the forefront of shaping the healthcare of the future. We do this in a person-centered and innovative way, and in close collaboration with our network. We want to have
a significant impact on health and healthcare. We want to improve with each passing day, continuously working towards better healthcare, research, and education. And gaining a better understanding of how diseases arise and how we can prevent, treat, and cure them, day in and day out. This way, every patient always receives the best healthcare, now and in the future. Because that is why we do what we do.