PhD student Infectious Disease Modeling

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PhD student Infectious Disease Modeling

Are you interested in using analytical and computational approaches to solve public health problems such as the spread of sexually transmitted infections? And do you have an MSc degree in a technical field? Then we have an exciting position for you!

Deadline Published on Vacancy ID 2023-2894

Academic fields


Job types

Research, development, innovation

Education level

University graduate

Weekly hours

36 hours per week

Salary indication

max. €3536 per month


Heidelberglaan 100, 3584CX, Utrecht

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Job description

As the successful candidate for this position, you will be studying dynamics and control of sexually transmitted infections (HIV, monkeypox, hepatitis C etc.) using infectious disease modeling.

The PhD project will focus on exploring the main drivers, heterogeneity in transmission dynamics and the mechanisms of transmission of sexually transmitted infections in different settings and/or for different type of contacts in the population of men who have sex with men, subpopulation of men who have sex with men with HIV, and in the general population. The modeling will be performed using agent-based models, however, other approaches might prove useful as well. Simulation models will be applied to investigate the effectiveness of a variety of possible control policies, including ring vaccination, venue-based vaccination, alternative contact-tracing protocols or sexual partner notification services, communication campaigns in high-risk populations, vaccination of high-risk communities etc. The interventions will be assessed for different stages of the epidemic with the aim to inform potential early containment, control and/or elimination.

The PhD position is funded by the EU research consortium VERDI that involves more than 25 partners in Europe and around the world.

This is a temporary appointment for four years. The position is available as of 1 February 2023.


We are seeking for a PhD candidate with an interest in using analytical and computational approaches to solve biological problems. The PhD position requires the background in mathematics, computer science or another technical field.

The preference will be given to candidates who have the following skills and qualifications:
  • A completed MSc in a technical field (Mathematics, Physics, Theoretical Biology, Computer Science etc.);
  • Knowledge of mathematical analysis, differential equations, probability theory;
  • Knowledge of programming languages (Python, C/C++, Matlab or equivalent);
  • Ability to work with real databases, analyze data, interpret, and present results;
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills; our working language is English;
  • Good organizational and interpersonal skills.

Conditions of employment

The maximum salary for this position (36 - 36 hours) is € 3.536,00 gross per month based on full-time employment.

In addition, we offer an annual benefit of 8.3%, holiday allowance, travel expenses and career opportunities. The terms of employment are in accordance with the Cao University Medical Centers (UMC).


In this position, you will work and be supervised by Dr. Ganna Rozhnova in the Julius Center at the University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands. The PhD candidate will become part of Infectious Disease Epidemiology Group led by Prof. Marc Bonten and Infectious Disease Modeling Group led by Prof. Mirjam Kretzschmar with numerous scientific activities, including group meetings, seminars, workshops, etc. There will be possibility to collaborate with group members and other partners on the project and to attend international conferences including a 4-week NORDITA Program in Stockholm in June 2023. In the last years of PhD studies, there will be an opportunity to get involved in the co-supervision of MSc students and teaching.

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