Each year, more than 30,000 patients with ischemic stroke are admitted in a Dutch hospital and this number is increasing. Acute treatment with intravenous thrombolytics and endovascular thrombectomy improves the functional outcomes of these patients. The beneficial effects of these treatments are highly time dependent, so every patient needs to be treated as soon as possible ('time = brain'). Although randomized trials on the efficacy of these treatments showed overall time-dependent beneficial effects, the expected benefits for individual patients may vary. Intravenous thrombolytics can be provided in almost all Dutch hospitals, but endovascular thrombectomy only in specialized intervention centers. Decisions about prehospital triage, ambulance transportation and acute treatment need to be taken under time pressure, both in the field as in the hospital. We need better tools to support clinicians in their decision making, taking the characteristics of individual patients into account.
In this PhD position, you will integrate patient data from pre-hospital and in-hospital sources into decision support tools to tailor treatment to the risks and needs of every individual patient. This PhD project is one of the five PhD positions in the ICAI Stroke Lab, one of the ROBUST program's labs. The ROBUST program on Trustworthy AI-based Systems adds 17 new labs to the
ICAI's current ecosystem. The aim of the ICAI Stroke lab is to improve the outcome of stroke patients by optimizing the whole chain from the 112-call to rehabilitation with AI. Specifically, we intend to develop and assess AI-based patient stratification (faster, more accurate) for acute stroke care interventions, AI based functional outcome prediction after endovascular therapy, image-guidance in endovascular interventions for better therapeutic outcome and data-driven individualized stroke recovery policies, based on patients' current abilities and on constantly updated prognostic models for stroke recovery. In addition, we will study the acceptance of such AI-models by clinical decision-makers. There will be strong collaboration between the PhD students in the ICAI lab.As part of the collaboration in the project, visits to Philips Healthcare (Best) are envisioned.