You will join the
Scanning Probe Microscopy department (SPM) and also contribute to the department of Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Correlated Materials at the
Institute for Molecules and Materials (IMM), which is one of the major research institutes of the
Faculty of Science at Radboud University. IMM is a research institute in chemistry and physics, which fosters interdisciplinary research. Its mission is to design and create functional molecules and materials to fundamentally understand their behaviour. The institute comprises 19 research groups in areas ranging from condensed matter science to organic chemistry and biochemistry. IMM focuses on fundamental research with an open eye for societal applications and educates the next generation of leaders in science and innovation. IMM distinguishes itself from similar institutes by close collaborations and rich interactions between chemists and physicists and/or experimentalists and theorists, and an excellent infrastructure including the Scanning Probe Laboratories, Laser Labs, Magnetic Resonance Research Centre, High Field Magnet Laboratory, and Free Electron Laser Laboratory (HFML-FELIX).
The SPM department consists of many international scientists and students. We host world-class SPM instruments and utilise SPM techniques beyond the state of the art to study numerous problems in fundamental physics and chemistry. Our expertise focuses on high precision magnetic and electronic imaging of single atoms, molecules and surfaces in cryogenic ultrahigh vacuum environments and in magnetic fields, often related with single-atom manipulation.
Faculty of Science is a complete, student-oriented science faculty where research and education are closely intertwined. The faculty aims to form an academic community with an international character, where staff members from different backgrounds can combine their talents with the common goal of being among the leading science faculties in Europe.
Radboud University
We want to get the best out of science, others and ourselves. Why? Because this is what the world around us desperately needs. Leading research and education make an indispensable contribution to a healthy, free world with equal opportunities for all. This is what unites the more than 24,000 students and 5,600 employees at Radboud University. And this requires even more talent, collaboration and lifelong learning. You have a part to play!