Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences

Incubator for scholarly talent

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)

The Academy is the forum, the voice and the conscience of science and scholarship in the Netherlands. Its institutes lead the way here and abroad with their research and collections. Its activities are based on the conviction that knowledge and creativity are the most important ingredients for well-being and prosperity.

Every employee is given the space and opportunity to make a valuable contribution to science and scholarship, regardless of background, gender, disability or philosophy of life. Diversity and inclusion are paramount in every part of the Academy, based on equality and equal opportunities for all. They also promote quality in our community by ensuring that we do not overlook or exclude talent and by promoting a diversity of perspectives where necessary.

The Academy does not only employ academics. Staff in non-academic positions also contribute to achieving the Academy's mission. For example, you can work in a policy, financial, administrative, communications, HR or IT position at an Academy institute or the Academy Bureau.

The institutes and the Academy Bureau

Academy staff work for one of the research institutes at various locations across the country (Amsterdam, The Hague, Leiden, Utrecht and Wageningen), or at the Academy Bureau in Amsterdam.

The Academy’s research institutes are active in the humanities, social sciences and life sciences. They serve as national centres of expertise, and manage and provide access to collections and/or research facilities, many of which are world-famous. Read more about our research institutes.

The Academy Bureau assists members, the board, councils and committees, institutes and the director general with their duties. It also administers the prizes that the Academy awards either on its own or in collaboration with other parties, as well as the incentive programmes financed from private funds managed by the Academy. Read more about the Academy's tasks in this area.

Working for the Academy


Today's employees must adapt to the continuously changing demands of the world around them. To ensure their sustainable employability, they must be able to do their work in a healthy and positive work setting. The Academy places heavy emphasis on employees’ social safety in an ethical working environment (link to the Academy's social safety and ethical working environment code) and on leadership style, personal development, meaningful work and the right sort of appreciation. In addition, employees are offered excellent primary and secondary employment conditions.

The Academy considers talent development, training and the right support for general skills development important and that is why it has established the Centre for Career & Development. You can contact the Centre with all your questions about career development and education and training opportunities.

Excellent primary and secondary employment conditions

Meaningful work and a pleasant working environment are vital. We understand, however, that salary and other employment benefits also play a role in your choice of a job. The Academy offers outstanding and up-to-date employment conditions and adheres to the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities. This means that you will receive an excellent salary in line with your position and work experience, a holiday allowance, a year-end bonus and a significant number of annual holiday leave hours (for a full-time position, a total of 232 hours). The Academy also has very good secondary employment conditions.

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