Assistant Professor Aesthetics of Intelligence within Future Everyday GroupFuture Everyday bridges the gap between emerging technologies and people's everyday life.'The Future Everyday cluster is a highly ambitious community of design researchers, concerned with understanding, exploring, and shaping an everyday life of individuals/small groups that encompasses the new reality of living and working, in spaces that are becoming more responsive, continuous and experiential in the future with emerging technologies. Currently, we focus on designing with technologies such as internet of things, wearables/soft things, small/local data, machine learning --- and designing for aesthetics in an everyday life with all the nuances and subtleties that are inherently dynamic, ever-changing and shaped by personal and collective values, needs and desires. We seek to better understand how to create the right conditions --- over time and space --- to allow human-technology relationships to grow and adapt to future situations.
Specific qualities for this position:
- Study and design aesthetic qualities of AI or ML embedded in designs and interaction
- Using AI and ML techniques to study and design for aesthetic qualities of human-system interaction, interaction towards collaboration between humans and systems, and intelligent system behavior
- Study and design multi-intentionality, explainability, negotiation and personalization of future computational systems embedded the in Everyday
- Interest in the aesthetics of digital craftsmanship and expression through complex systems of manufacturing.
- Interest in and experience of the making of design artefacts, samples and demonstrators.