Post-doc position in Computational Systems Biology

Post-doc position in Computational Systems Biology

Published Deadline Location
17 Mar 7 Apr Enschede

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Job description

The Department of Developmental BioEngineering at the University of Twente (Enschede, the Netherlands) is looking for a computational modeler to describe and predict factors for better stem cell differentiation for heart tissue engineering applications. This project will be performed in close collaboration with the department of Mathematics of Imaging & AI (MIA) at the University of Twente.

Current animal and cell culture models are not accurate enough to predict the efficacy and toxicity of drugs. In this research project, titled 'Advanced bioengineering strategy for production of human miniature hearts', a multidisciplinary team consisting of (developmental) biologists, bioinformaticians, and mathematicians will encapsulate human stem cells in hollow miniature spheres made from hydrogel and use single cell OMICs analysis to make digital twins of the miniature hearts. The digital twins generated in this project allow investigating heart development and predicting the response of the heart to medication.


University of Twente (UT)


We look for a highly motivated, enthusiastic researcher who is driven by curiosity and:
  • Has, or will shortly acquire, a PhD degree in (Applied) Mathematics, Systems Biology, Biomedical Engineering, or a related field;
  • Has experience with mathematical modelling and analysis with large-scale simulation tools and/or bifurcation analysis;
  • Has experience with (mathematical) programming languages, e.g. Python, R, Matlab, etc.
  • Has a strong interest in systems biology;
  • Experience with analysis of big data (transcriptomics, proteomics) and / or heart development will be considered a benefit;
  • Is a team player with good communication skills;
  • Has demonstrated scientific creativity that has preferably resulted in recent and relevant high- quality scientific publications in international journals
  • Is proficient in English, both spoken and written.
  • Has an interest in contributing to the education of Ba-Ma students
  • Experience in managing projects and writing project proposals will be considered a benefit.

Conditions of employment

We offer an inspiring and challenging multidisciplinary and international environment. You will be initially employed for 45 months. The terms of employment are in accordance with the Dutch Collective Labour Agreement for Universities (CAO) and include:
  • A fulltime Post-Doc position for 45 months;
  • Full status as an employee at the UT, including pension and health care benefits;
  • Gross monthly salary between € 3,413 and € 4,670.- (depending on experience and qualifications)
  • The University of Twente provides excellent facilities for professional and personal development, a holiday allowance and an end-of-year bonus;
  • A solid pension scheme;
  • A lively and green campus with many facilities for sports and other extracurricular activities;
  • Excellent facilities for professional and personal development.
  • Your main responsibility will be to carry out research, but you will be given the opportunity to acquire some teaching experience and supervise students in Master and Bachelor projects as well.
  • Total of 41 holiday days in case of full-time employment


Department of Developmental BioEngineering
The department of Developmental BioEngineering is a research group with a highly international character. The main goal of this group is to investigate novel and challenging technologies in the field of Regenerative Medicine, which can be used for tissue repair. Research focuses on i) Fundamental aspects of joint and cartilage homeostasis, ii) Cell therapy for treatment of joint disorders, and iii) Injectable, in situ gelating extracellular matrices for soft tissue repair, iv) computational models for tissue development and homeostasis. DBE
The project will be performed in close collaboration with the department of Mathematics of Imaging & AI (MIA) at the same university (UT). This department focuses on topics in the area of dynamical systems, numerical analysis and scientific computing, and systems and control, and in particular, their relation with data science. EEMCS


  • Postdoc
  • Health
  • max. 40 hours per week
  • €3413—€4670 per month
  • Doctorate
  • 1142


University of Twente (UT)

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Drienerlolaan 5, 7522NB, Enschede

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