Research Technician Laboratory Hematology | Laboratory Medicine

Research Technician Laboratory Hematology | Laboratory Medicine

Published Deadline Location
17 Nov 10 Dec Nijmegen

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Job description

Do you have a sweet tooth? And are you a research technician who wants to know how sugars contribute to the development of blood cancers? Then we are looking for you!

Blood cancers are characterized by increased growth of precursor cells that develop in the bone marrow. This increased growth can be caused by disturbed sugar structures (glycosylation) on the outer surface of blood cancer cells. Furthermore, these sugar structures can also impact sensitivity to chemotherapy. Although sugar structures have been extensively studied in other types of cancer, this has not been done yet for blood cancer. This will be your task, by which you contribute to a better understanding of the origin of blood cancer and improving treatment. For these activities, you will collaborate with other researchers at Radboudumc and Radboud University, as well as researchers from other national and interntional institutes.

As a research technician, you will plan and conduct experiments in the lab (see techniques below), often in close collaboration with PhD students or a post-doc. Together, you will work on a common research question and increase our understanding of and develop novel treatments for the treatment of blood cancers. When your results are included in a scientific article, your name will be listed as a co-author. In addition to your laboratory experiments, you will perform important administrative tasks that are essential for maintaining and running the laboratory, such as placing orders and coordinating repairs of laboratory instruments. Your tasks will be diverse, and likely include the following techniques:
  • Cell culture of blood cells and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs).
  • DNA plasmid cloning, bacterial transformation.
  • Transfections, transductions, CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing of blood cells and iPSCs.
  • (q)RT-PCRs.
  • Flow cytometry.
  • Western blotting.
  • Sanger sequencing.
  • Mass spectrometry.
  • Possible mouse research.


Radboud University Medical Center (Radboudumc)


For this position we are looking for candidates with at least Bsc-level skills and cognition. You have a Bsc or Master degree with laboratory experience in biological and medical research, or equivalent. Moreover you have experience in laboratory techniques mentioned in the job description, and knowledgeable in hematology or glycosylation. You are also skilled and interested in performing (translational) research.

We are looking for a team player who can collaborate effectively with colleagues. You have clear and effective communication style in English (and Dutch).

Conditions of employment

Fixed-term contract: 1 year with a possible extension for 18 months.

Working at Radboud university medical center means that you are ahead of the curve and working together on the healthcare of the future. And there is more. Our secondary terms of employment are impressive. These are fully tailored to you thanks to our Employment Conditions Selection Model. At Radboud university medical center, you will be given trust, and you will take the responsibility to handle everything together.
  • A gross monthly salary between € 2.861 and € 4.052 (scale 7M ) based on full-time employment.
  • An annual vacation allowance of 8% and an end-of-year bonus of 8.3%.
  • If you work irregular hours, you will receive an allowance.
  • As a full-time employee (36 hours per week), you are entitled to approximately 168 vacation hours (over 23 days) per year.
  • Radboud university medical center pays 70% of the pension premium. You pay the rest of the premium with your gross salary.
  • Discount on your supplementary health insurance. You can make use of two collective health insurance policies: UMC Health Insurance and CZ Collective. They offer many extras to stay vital and healthy, such as a prevention budget, workshops, and apps.
  • We provide annual courses, both professional and personal.

In addition to our terms of employment, we also offer employees various other attractive facilities, such as childcare and sports facilities. Want to learn more? Take a look at the CAO UMC.



The Laboratory of Hematology within the department of Laboratory Medicine Radboudumc, consists of multiple research groups and a large diagnostic laboratory where research on blood cancers, bleeding disorders, and immune therapies is conducted. You will be working in an environment with researchers and technicians from the Laboratory of Hematology, exposing you to various disciplines related to blood cancers and bleeding disorders. Hematologists who are involved in patient care also participate in work meetings, bridging the gap between research and clinical practice.

As you will be studying sugar structures, you will also have frequent contact with the Radboud Consortium for Glycoscience, for example, for mass spectrometry measurements. You will receive personalized support and guidance and work closely with (PhD) students and postdocs.

Welcome to Radboud university medical center (Radboudumc), where our research groups strive for innovative solutions that make impact on health and healthcare. We challenge the status quo to overcome current and future health challenges. Our goal is to shape the future of healthcare for generations to come. Our focus is on prevention, sustainability, and meaningful care, which we achieve through our in-depth understanding of disease mechanisms, clinical science, public health research, medical technology and data science. Our approach is centered on breakthroughs that can truly enhance personalized healthcare and public health.

At Radboudumc, a comprehensive range of research programs provide the compass for our research efforts. Each program has a clear goal, where collaboration within and outside our organization is highly valued. We integrate care, education and research in partnership with our patients to ensure that our research programs have significant impact on health and healthcare. We invite you to join us in our mission to create a healthy future for all.

Read more about what working at Radboud university medical center means.


  • Research, development, innovation; Technical and laboratory
  • Natural sciences; Health
  • max. 36 hours per week
  • €2861—€4052 per month
  • Higher professional education
  • 189067-P1369587-1


Radboud University Medical Center (Radboudumc)

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Geert Grooteplein-Zuid 10, 6525 GA, Nijmegen

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