

Early childcare boosts future school success

  • #culturalstudies
  • #demography
  • #educationalsciences

Researchers from Erasmus University Rotterdam and Erasmus MC have found that early childcare positively impacts children's future school skills and academic performance in grade 8. The study, led by Clair Enthoven and her colleagues, highlights the importance of ensuring equal access to early childcare for all families in the Netherlands. However, the research also reveals that childcare has a limited impact on reducing socioeconomic inequalities in this area for all children.

Find out more about the study here.


7th Erasmus Corporate Governance Conference

  • #economics
  • #politicalsciences

On Friday, 13 June 2025 Erasmus School of Economics will host the 7th edition of the Erasmus Corporate Governance Conference. This one-day workshop brings together scholars of Executive Compensation and other fields of Corporate Governance to discuss the latest developments in the field.

This year’s conference will broaden its scope to include papers that focus on agency related corporate governance topics. The keynote speaker is Nadya Malenko, Professor of Finance and Wargo Family Faculty Fellow at Boston College.

Find out more about the conference here.


Erasmus Initiatives: Let’s face wicked problems together

After almost eight years of collaborating in interdisciplinary and societal impact-driven research, it is time to showcase the innovations and efforts created by the Erasmus Initiatives. This conference offers an opportunity to reflect on the journey so far—celebrating successes, learning from challenges, and drawing valuable lessons to inform future endeavors. Discussions will explore strategies for sustaining impact-driven research, overcoming interdisciplinary hurdles, and fostering meaningful stakeholder engagement. Attendees will gain insights into how to translate these lessons into actionable plans for their own research and collaborations.

This event is going to take place on Thursday, March 13, and it is open to researchers within and beyond Erasmus University who are engaged or interested in interdisciplinary research and societal impact. Find out more about the event here.


23rd International Conference on Cultural Economics

  • #culturalstudies
  • #economics

Erasmus University Rotterdam is proud to host the 23rd International Conference on Cultural Economics organized by the Association of Cultural Economics International (ACEI). The conference brings together a diverse range of scholars and practitioners from around the world that share an interest in research into the economic aspects of the arts and culture.

The conference will be held in person, starting on Tuesday, June 24th and ending on Friday, June 27th. Paper abstracts can be submitted by February 1st, 2025. Find out more about the event here.


New study about informal caregivers in the Netherlands

  • #psychologicalsciences

A new study from Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management reveals that many informal caregivers in the Netherlands experience an exceptionally low quality of life, with considerable impacts on their mental, physical, and financial well-being. The study's findings stress the urgent need for more robust support structures for caregivers.

Find out more about the study here.


Women are less prone to share their dissatisfaction online than men

  • #psychologicalsciences

Andreas Bayerl, Assistant Professor in Marketing at Erasmus School of Economics, introduced in a new study the gender rating gap: women’s average online review ratings are higher than those of men. This is due to a difference in men’s and women’s likelihood of sharing online satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Bayerl’s finding that women are more hesitant than men to express their views online, mainly when dissatisfied, is concerning. It suggests that the conditions in the socio-cultural environment may not be sufficiently safe for women to speak up freely, which affects us all as a society.

Read more about Bayerl’s research


How to kick-start your career in NL

Are you interested in starting a career in the Netherlands after graduation? Then don’t miss this event! Erasmus University’s career and entrepreneurship experts are ready to prepare you for a smooth start on the Dutch labour market or entrepreneurial scene. International alumni will share their first-hand experiences with you. And the keynote speaker will provide some inspiration and motivation to get you started.

Get to know more about this event


PhD candidate develops an approach to better measure well-being

  • #psychologicalsciences

The mental health of young people, especially since the pandemic, is under scrutiny. PhD student Kayla Green (Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences) prefers to look at the well-being of young people. Together with young people, she developed an approach to better measure well-being. Young people experience a lot of school-related stress, and financial stress has also been found to be a predictor of reduced well-being.

Read Kayla’s full story

Photo by Taynara Krämer


Pop sector on the scientific tour

  • #communicationsciences
  • #culturalstudies
  • #history
  • #sociology

Pop music has an impact on society, which makes it interesting for sociological research. That is exactly what Pauwke Berkers does. Within the Department of Cultural Studies, he is a Professor of Sociology of Popular Music, specifically in relation to Inclusion, Welfare and Resilience.

"In terms of pop music research, we are the leading player in the Netherlands", says Prof.dr. Pauwke Berkers (Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication).

Continue reading to discover what fascinates Pauwke about pop music and what his research is all about.


The ultimate market portfolio

  • #economics

Laurens Swinkels, Associate Professor of Finance at Erasmus School of Economics, and Ronald Doeswijk introduced new research to better determine a truer market portfolio. The Financial Times has dedicated an article to this research paper. 

The research by Doeswijk and Swinkels presents an updated global market portfolio, using monthly data from 1970-2022 to examine risk and reward over a broader time span than previous studies. They focus on investable assets weighted by market sizes, although the method has limitations. The study finds the global market portfolio generated excess returns of 0.3% per month during this period. The use of monthly data offers nuanced insights into the market's performance.

To continue reading and downloading the article, visit this EUR-webpage.