

Newsflash Faculty of Science UU

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Would you like to stay up to date with what is happening at the Faculty of Science of Utrecht University? The latest Newsflash highlights mathematician Jan-Willem van Ittersum, who received the prestigious Christiaan Huygens prize for his groundbreaking PhD research. Additionally, Jasper Kars conducted PhD research on the interplay between AI and democracy and the high-tech plant lab NPEC was visited by Dutch TV producers.

Discover more news from the Faculty of Science here.

Photo: Paul Voorham


Beyond Technology: Utrecht AI Event

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  • #informationscience
  • #technology

AI Labs, inspiration, best practices

AI developments are moving at a rapid pace. But making AI work for the benefit of society requires going beyond technology and collaborating across disciplines and organisations.

On Tuesday November 26th, the Utrecht AI Event will bring together experts from business, government, research and education.

For more information and subscription details, keep an eye on: https://www.uu.nl/en/events/beyond-technology-utrecht-ai-event


3 Body Problem: The phenomenon from the Netflix series dissected

  • #environmentalscience
  • #mathematics
  • #physics

Scientists continue to explore age-old physics problem

The popular Netflix series 3 Body Problem, which launched in March 2024, delves into many topics that the researchers at the Faculty of Science deal with on a daily basis. Virtual realities, extra dimensions, and advanced nano fibers weave throughout the storyline. However, the three-body problem is leading. What exactly entails this complex issue, and does it have real-world significance? PhD candidates in theoretical physics, Mick van Vliet and Arno Hoefnagels, shed light on these questions.

Continue reading about the research of Mick and Arno.


Genetic insights shed light on how and where bacteria form brightly coloured colonies without pigments

Iridescent bacteria even found in deep ocean

Some bacteria form colonies that display striking, reflective colours. New genetic insights into the formation of such colours allowed an interdisciplinary, international team of researchers to identify the environments and bacterial groups in which these colours are found. Doing so, the team has made a start in understanding the function of these colours in bacteria. The findings, which were published yesterday in the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), might have implications for the development of new innovative materials that use bacteria to replace non-sustainable dyes.

The striking, vibrant colours that we know from butterfly wings and peacock feathers are not the result of dyes or pigments. Instead, they are created by tiny, ordered structures that interact with light, creating a vibrant display of hues that is often perceived as iridescence (changes in colours depending on the angle of view or illumination). Such ‘structural colour’ is widespread in nature, and also exist in bacteria.

"The new fundamental insights in structural colour in bacteria might serve as the foundation for the future development of innovative materials." - Colin Ingham, founder of biotech company Hoekmine BV and initiator of the study

Continue reading about this research at the UU Science website.

Image: Colin Ingham, Hoekmine BV.


Two Utrecht projects received funding within National Growth Fund programme Circular Plastics NL

  • #biologicalsciences
  • #chemistry
  • #environmentalscience
  • #technology

How do we ensure that we can reuse plastic packaging material? Or how can dyes in PET bottles be reused and contribute to making plastics circular? Two research projects within the Inorganic Chemistry & Catalysis Group at Utrecht University will start within the Making plastics circular: technical innovations programme, which is part of the National Growth Fund programme Circular Plastics NL. Six million euros were divided over ten projects in total, and all studies will last five years.

Currently, 15 percent of the one million tonnes of discarded plastics produced annually in the Netherlands are recycled at high quality. The goal is for all plastics to be recycled by 2030 and production to be fully circular by 2050. With the National Growth Fund programme Circular Plastics NL, the Dutch government is investing in bottlenecks to close the cycles for existing plastics, provide sustainable growth opportunities for the Dutch economy and use subsidies to accelerate the transition.

Read more about the Utrecht University projects that have received funding via this UU-webpage.


World-class collaboration receives €37.5 million for regenerative medicine using smart materials

  • #biologicalsciences
  • #medicalsciences

The DRIVE-RM consortium, led by Professor of Experimental Nephrology Marianne Verhaar from UMC Utrecht, has been awarded €37.5 million under the prestigious NWO SUMMIT program. The SUMMIT grant recognizes world-class collaborations, while further strengthening these partnerships. The DRIVE-RM collaboration involves UMC Utrecht, Utrecht University, Eindhoven University of Technology, Maastricht University, and the Hubrecht Institute, focusing on smart materials that assist the body in healing. Within Utrecht University, the faculties of Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, and Science are involved.

"It is wonderful for Utrecht Life Science research that we are receiving this recognition and funding", says Prof. Jos Malda from Utrecht University and UMC Utrecht.

Regenerative medicine involves repairing or replacing damaged tissues and organs by leveraging the body's own healing processes. DRIVE-RM specifically focuses on material-driven regeneration, using intelligent, lifelike, or even living materials that can prompt the human body to generate new tissue. This approach could radically change the treatment of chronic diseases such as kidney failure, heart failure, and worn joints in the future.

Read full article about this collaborative consortium and the recognition as world leaders, bringing together techniques and disciplines.


Roadmap to a carbon-neutral refinery by 2050

  • #chemistry

Towards the sustainable production of future fuels, chemicals and materials

Would it be possible to build a refinery that is completely fossil-free, and thereby significantly contributing to a carbon-neutral society by as early as 2050? According to two chemists from Utrecht University it is. In a highly visionary Nature article, they present a roadmap in which oil refineries could be reinvented to be completely fossil-free. Processes will be electrified if possible, and raw materials will change to CO2, agricultural and municipal waste. “We wanted to see what would be needed to make a fossil-free refinery and took that to the extreme.”

Read full article


Gravitation award for FLOW: "We will be able to steer the fates of proteins"

  • #chemistry

The Dutch government is investing 23 million euros in a major research project led by Utrecht University. The consortium of researchers involved in FLOW will, for the first time, comprehensively chart the supervision of specific proteins within the cell, from cradle to grave. Ultimately, leveraging this understanding, they aim to exert control over the fate of these proteins. Such insights could pave the way for novel therapeutic approaches targeting diseases like Parkinson's and cystic fibrosis.

The principal investigators are Ineke Braakman (Utrecht University), Mireille Claessens (Twente University), Friedrich Förster (Utrecht University), Mark Hipp (UMC Groningen), Stefan Rüdiger (Utrecht University) and Alfred Vertegaal (Leiden UMC).

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Bus driver and Assistant Professor: a unique double position

  • #computerscience
  • #technology

Stories from the Lab: the AI & Mobility Lab

Marcel van Kooten Niekerk works at the AI & Mobility Lab AI Labs (Utrecht University) on possible applications for artificial intelligence in public transport, but besides that he still loves sitting in the driver's seat of the public bus.

Read his story here.


NWO grants for AI research on privacy-preserving cancer studies and virtual harassment

Two projects by Utrecht University researchers are receiving a grant from the National Growth Fund program AINed. This funding will propel promising, innovative, and bold initiatives in the field of artificial intelligence, addressing pressing needs in healthcare and virtual reality.

Julian Frommel, Assistant Professor in the Interaction/Multimedia group of the Faculty of Science, will conduct research on harassment in virtual reality environments. His colleague Wilson dos Santos Silva, newly appointed at the same faculty, will focus on improving AI models that can learn from patient data from different hospitals without breaching privacy.

Read more

Foto: Unsplash