4TU High Tech for a Sustainable Future

In the honored HTSF programmes (in May 2022), scientists from the four technical universities will be working together in multidisciplinary teams. These are the 4 programmes and available positions:

Green Sensors programme

Fundamentals of green and biodegradable environmental-friendly soil sensor systems for future smart agriculture

Closed positions within the Green Sensors programme:

Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) Soft and Biodegradable Sensor Technology in Agri-Food production

HERITAGE programme

Heat Robustness in relation to aging cities

The 4TU programme HEat Robustness In relation To AGEing cities (HERITAGE) will develop a high-tech sensing and modelling system aiming at the detection, reduction and prevention of heat-stress that is occurring due to the ageing of the Dutch built environment. This integral system will bring the detection and forecasting of spatiotemporal patterns of heat stress to the next level through unprecedented resolutions, enabling the development and assessment of technological and design solutions that reduce and mitigate indoor and outdoor heat stress. This will result in the development of urban and building design guidelines, within the context of the energy transition, housing demands, repurposing areas, climate adaptation and digitalization.

The researchers in this programme will follow a multi-disciplinary research ecosystem approach involving earth observation, urban hydro-meteorology and climatology, urban design and sustainable infrastructural energy systems. Therefore, parallel to the sensing, long-term research lines are rolled out on robust hydro-meteorological, design and energy solutions, all at multiple spatiotemporal scales and forms. Concretely, these research lines will fill knowledge gaps in current Dutch climate policies through innovative techniques for analysis, simulation, development and experimental testing of newly designed (1) multiscale urban heritage canopy layer schemes for climate models (2) multiscale form-microclimatic relationships and (3) sustainable energy systems, all ideally suited for application in aged neighbourhoods and buildings.
The collection of observations, developed models, results and related datasets are brought together in urban climate and 3D city models which act as knowledge connectors between scientists and provide coherent, integrated, spatial and temporal high-quality solution information. The solutions will be developed and tested in our living labs; the cities of 4TU (Delft, Eindhoven, Enschede & Wageningen) as well as in Rotterdam and Amsterdam where the HERITAGE team also operates long-lasting observational networks.

The programme will be coordinated by a board of the 5 work-package leaders, representing all 4 universities; Wim Timmermans (UT, chair), Marjolein van Esch and Remko Uijlenhoet (TUD), Gert-Jan Steeneveld (WUR) and Angèle Reinders (TU/e). The researchers will be cooperating intensively with the municipalities of the involved cities and other relevant stakeholders such as urban designers, housing corporations and consultants in their existing network, to ensure a harmonized (societal and technical/practical) embedment of the developed sensing and modelling system, as well as the design guidelines.

Closed positions within the HERITAGE programme:

RECENTRE programme

Risk-based lifEstyle Change: daily-lifE moNiToring and REcommendations