Lecturer research skills for the creative business

Lecturer research skills for the creative business

Published Deadline Location
15 Nov 6 Dec Utrecht

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Job description

Are you an analytical, critical thinking lecturer with a passion for storytelling and data visualization?

Creative Business (CB) is a global bachelor programme that embraces the future. Applied research, with increasing attention for newer types of research, is a relevant aspect of this future. Our curriculum stands out in its attention to business innovation, optimizing customer experiences and creative problem-solving. Students acquire the skills needed to become a flexible and creative forward thinker with an entrepreneurial attitude, solid analytical abilities and collaborative competences.

We are looking for data analysts with strong analytical critical thinking, data visualization and storytelling skills and preferably, with experience in applying these skills in a creative business background.


Teaching and developing courses in the field of applied research, which include research skills such as quantitative and qualitative methods, data analysis and data visualization . We provide courses that will allow students to:

  • Critically analyze and identify trends and patterns from complex data sets.
  • Apply data visualization and data storytelling: translating data into language(s) that can be easily understood by different types of stakeholders from end users to data analysis teams.
  • Communicate and work with other specialized analytic teams. For example, work with the digital analytic teams to ensure requirements for digital channels.
  • Communicate and work with other strategists, creative and production teams to set measurable benchmarks for effectiveness.


HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht


Your Profile

You are a lecturer in research and data analysis, preferably in the creative business, who feels comfortable working in a dynamic international environment, teaching a truly international student population. You can work with data tools such as SPSS and Atlas.ti for data analysis and tools such as Netlytic, Gephi, Tableau for data visualization.

You are a team player who loves to collaborate on projects, such as creating new course content.

Your English proficiency is excellent. Being competent in a culturally generic way, such as being good at dealing with differences, is essential for this job. The diversity of the CB team will be enriched by your own background, history or expertise.

Conditions of employment

Employment Terms

You'll receive a contract for a year (D3) for a minimum of 0.8 fte and a maximum of 1.0 fte. The legal status of your current contract will not be affected in case you are already working at the HU. The gross salary for a full-time position is at least 3.477,27 with a maximum of 4.777,65 (scale 11). In addition you will receive, in accordance with the Dutch collective labour agreement, a holiday bonus of 8% and a thirteenth month. We have excellent opportunities for studying and development. You would be available for work at CB on 1 February next at the latest.


Hogeschool Utrecht

De HU is een transparante organisatie door open communicatie met elkaar en onze omgeving. De besturingsfilosofie van de HU is gebaseerd op het werken in teams. Uitgangspunt in de samenwerking is dat we onze kennis delen en doen wat we beloven, in- én extern. Dat betekent dat we elkaars verschillende competenties en expertises consistent erkennen, gebruiken, delen en versterken. Zodat we er met elkaar uit halen wat er in zit. Hogeschool Utrecht is een kennisorganisatie. Met hoogwaardig onderwijs en onderzoek werken we aan innovatie en professionalisering van de beroepspraktijk en aan de persoonlijke ontwikkeling van talent. Daarmee dragen we bij aan de sociale, culturele en economische ontwikkeling van een open, rechtvaardige en duurzame samenleving. De HU leidt gemotiveerde studenten op van 17 tot 67 jaar. Het gaat dus niet alleen om instromers op de arbeidsmarkt, maar ook om mensen die al werken en hun kennis en vaardigheden willen actualiseren, verbreden of verdiepen. De maatschappij heeft immers behoefte aan professionals die zich blijven(d) scholen. We hebben een breed opleidingsaanbod dat vrijwel alle (beroeps)sectoren bestrijkt en zijn één van de grootste aanbieders van post-initieel onderwijs en masterstudies. 

Met 3500 medewerkers vormen we een grote organisatie waarin de menselijke maat centraal blijft staan. De HU heeft vestigingen in de steden Utrecht en Amersfoort. Daarnaast worden de activiteiten van het Seminarium voor Orthopedagogiek regionaal georganiseerd vanuit de regiokantoren. 


Creative Business (CB)

Creative Business (CB) is an English-taught and state-of-art bachelor programme.  We invest in future-proof and blended ways of teaching, as well as flexible and remote ways of working. CB has a truly international population of students and lecturers. You will have approximately 55 colleagues and we have a population of over 1000 students. The Creative Business bachelor programme is part of the Institute for Communication at HU University of Applied Sciences.


  • Research, development, innovation; Professor; Associate professor; Assistant professor; Lecturer
  • Natural sciences; Economics
  • 32—40 hours per week
  • €3477—€4777 per month
  • University graduate
  • AT 2184099


HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht

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Bolognalaan 101, 3584 CJ, Utrecht

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