PhD Candidate Cardiology, Anatomy & Embryology

PhD Candidate Cardiology, Anatomy & Embryology

Published Deadline Location
2 Oct 27 Oct Leiden

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Looking for an interesting research opportunity? The Departments of Cardiology and Anatomy & Embryology have a PhD position available in a dynamic, multidisciplinary research team, in which you will study mechanisms of pathological cardiac innervation due to heart disease.

Job description

The project aims to determine the inductive/modifying role of different cardiac cell populations on cardiac innervation under normal and pathological conditions, specifically using mouse infarction models as well as transgenic mouse models. The project contains in vitro as well as in vivo experiments. You will perform cellular biological studies to determine which cell types play pivotal roles in the development of pathological innervation (contributing to morbidity/mortality via arrhythmias), determine which factors are essential in this process and explore their potential as biomarkers.


Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC)


We are looking for an enthusiastic, bright, and ambitious scientist with a master’s degree Medicine, Biology, Medical Biology, Biomedical Sciences, or equivalent. You have a strong interest in cell signalling, molecular and developmental biology as well as clinical questions. Experience with microscopic techniques, cell/tissue culturing, molecular biology techniques a.o. (single cell) RNA sequencing, and bioinformatics is advantageous. Experience with in vivo animal studies (certificate Article 9 Laboratory Animal Science) is required. You should display great team spirit as you will collaborate closely with various departments and disciplines. Thus, you are also able to easily communicate in English, both verbally and in writing.

Conditions of employment

Fixed-term contract: max. 4 years.

You will be employed on the basis of a 36-hour week. Appointment is for a maximum of four years, to be completed with a doctoral thesis. Your salary is € 2,422 gross per month in the first year, amounting to € 3,103 in the fourth year (scale PhD students, CLA UMC).

If you have a completed degree in medicine, you will have more responsibilities. Your salary will then be based on your experience and education and start at a minimum of € 2,826 (scale 10, CLA UMC).


The Department of Cardiology and Anatomy & Embryology (ANA)

The Department of Cardiology consists of a nursing department and a cardiac care unit (CCU) where top quality care is given to patients suffering from heart failure, and therapy resistant ventricular tachycardias. In the Department of Anatomy & Embryology (ANA), an extensive research is performed on a variety of subjects. Research in the ANA department is fundamentally and pre-clinically oriented. There is a strong emphasis on stem cell research, developmental biology and mechanisms of cardiovascular disease and their practical appliance. Furthermore, research on human anatomy and student education are also two vital parts of the department.


  • PhD; Research, development, innovation; PhD scholarship; Education; Patient care: other
  • Health
  • max. 36 hours per week
  • University graduate
  • B.19.YB.EL.89


Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC)

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albinusdreef 2, 2333ZA, Leiden

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