Associate professor in Communication Science (Tenure Track), 1,0 fte

Associate professor in Communication Science (Tenure Track), 1,0 fte

Published Deadline Location
2 Oct 1 Nov Tilburg

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The Department of Communication and Cognition in the Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences is looking for an enthusiastic new colleague for a tenured position as Associate Professor in Communication Science.

Job description

The successful candidate is expected to initiate and conduct research in the Tilburg Center for Cognition and Communication (TiCC). Researchers in TiCC explore cognitive and social aspects of human communication through a multidisciplinary approach, combining careful experimentation with survey methods, corpus analyses and computational modelling. Core research domains include (in alphabetical order) communication and technology, cross-cultural communication, information visualization, language production, new media design, social media research, strategic communication and non-verbal communication. Candidates are expected to develop new lines of research fitting within TiCC. 
Moreover, the successful candidate contributes to one of the leading programs in the Netherlands in Communication and Information Sciences (CIS). Annually, the CIS program attracts approximately 130 new bachelor students, 300 new premaster students, and 250 new master students. The candidate will participate primarily in the Business Communication and Digital Media (BDM) track of CIS, contributing to one or more of the courses listed here, and supervising bachelor and master theses.


Tilburg University


  • a PhD in a relevant discipline, such as communication science, communication and information science, media studies, business communication, health psychology, cognitive psychology, or another relevant discipline;
  • published in international journals or proceedings;
  • excellent methodological and statistical skills;
  • proven ability in writing research grants;
  • experience in mentoring junior colleagues and supervising PhD candidates; 
  • experience with academic management and is willing to take up such tasks in the department;
  • acquired (or is willing to acquire) the University Teaching Qualification;
  • the ability to communicate in English fluently and is able (or willing to learn) to communicate in Dutch;
  • strong computational skills (programming, data processing) are considered an advantage.

Conditions of employment

The position will be ranked in the Dutch university job ranking system (UFO) as associate professor (“universitair hoofddocent”). The starting gross salary for a full-time appointment is (minimally) 
€ 5,190 up to (maximally) € 6,317 gross per month. The successful candidate receives a tenure track position of four years, which is turned into a permanent position when our tenure requirements are met (these are available upon request). Decision after 3,5 year.
Tilburg University is rated among the top of Dutch employers and has excellent terms of employment, such as a holiday allowance of 8% and an end-of-year bonus of 8.3% (annually), an options model and reimbursement of moving expenses. Candidates from outside the Netherlands may qualify for a tax-free allowance equal to 30% of their taxable salary. The university will apply for such an allowance on their behalf. The Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences will provide assistance in finding suitable accommodation. The collective labor agreement of the Dutch Universities applies. 


Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences

Onderzoek en onderwijs aan de Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences (TSHD) heeft een unieke focus op de mens in de context van de globaliserende digitale samenleving, op de ontwikkeling van kunstmatige intelligentie en interactieve technologieën, op de impact ervan op communicatie, cultuur en maatschappij, en op morele en existentiële uitdagingen die zich voordoen. De School of Humanities and Digital Sciences bestaat uit vier departementen: Communicatie en Cognitie, Cognitieve en Kunstmatige Intelligentie, Cultuurstudies en Filosofie; verschillende onderzoeksinstituten en een faculteitsbureau. Ook het University College Tilburg is onderdeel van de School. Jaarlijks starten ongeveer 275 studenten met een Bachelor- of (Pre)Masteropleiding. De School telt ongeveer 2000 studenten en 250 medewerkers.

Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences


  • Associate professor
  • Language and culture
  • max. 40 hours per week
  • Doctorate
  • 16996



Warandelaan 2, 5037 AB, Tilburg

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