PhD position “Geological constraints on (de)oxygenation in restricted basins”

PhD position “Geological constraints on (de)oxygenation in restricted basins”

Published Deadline Location
28 May 18 Jul 't Horntje (Texel)

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Job description

The Department of Ocean Systems (OCS) is looking for a highly motivated PhD candidate with a background in geochemistry and/or paleoceanography to develop and apply novel methods for the reconstruction of oxygen loss (‘deoxygenation’) and subsequent ventilation (‘reoxygenation’) from the sedimentary record in restricted basins (principal investigator dr. Rick Hennekam).

The project
Our oceans and seas are losing oxygen due to eutrophication and climate change, having a detrimental effect on marine life and impacting biogeochemical cycles. Marine basins with limited water exchange with the global ocean are particularly vulnerable areas to deoxygenation because they can trap nutrients. Moreover, mixing in these restricted basins easily gets disturbed because of freshwater input and surface water warming. Within this project, you will study past (de)oxygenation events in several restricted basins, such as the Baltic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, and Sea of Japan. Sediment cores from these basins will be used as archives to reveal the primary processes that trigger deoxygenation and subsequent reoxygenation under contrasting basin configurations, climatological settings, and on variable timescales (yearly to Milankovitch). You will use state-of-the-art geochemical proxies, such as trace metal concentrations from high-resolution X-Ray Fluorescence core scanning, uranium and molybdenum isotopes, and metal speciation. In collaboration with others, we will combine the multi-proxy data with biogeochemical models to define the environmental thresholds resulting in deoxygenation and reoxygenation, providing important constraints to accurately predict the environmental responses of our oceans.


Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ)


We are looking for a highly motivated candidate with a Masters-level degree in Earth sciences, (aquatic or environmental) chemistry, or a related field. Practical experience with laboratory work is desirable, and the willingness and aptitude to learn and develop these skills are essential. Familiarity with sediment cores and geochemical proxies, such as redox-sensitive element concentrations, sedimentary metal isotopes, and/or foraminiferal oxygen isotopes, is useful. To collect sample material, participation in oceanographic research expedition(s) of several weeks’ duration is expected to be an important component of this project.
Furthermore, you should be capable of planning and organizing your work and you should be interested in taking a leading role in directing the course of your own research within the overall framework of the project. Proficiency in spoken and written English is essential, as you will present your results at international conferences, and write manuscripts to submit to peer-reviewed scientific journals. We highly encourage applicants from all members of our community and of diverse background, including LGBT+ and BAME communities, to join us.  Your position will be hosted by the Department of Ocean Systems (OCS) at the Royal NIOZ on the island of Texel, The Netherlands.

Conditions of employment

Fixed-term contract: 1 year (fulltime). At the end of this first year, the employment will be extended for a fixed-term of a maximum of 4 years.

Employment of this position at Royal NIOZ is by NWO (The Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research). We offer a position for a period of 1 year (fulltime). At the end of this first year, the employment will be extended for a fixed-term of a maximum of 4 years, if the first-year evaluation held with the employee is positive. The salary is compliant to the CAO-OI (Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Research Institutes). A pension scheme, a holiday allowance of 8% of the gross annual salary, a year-end bonus, and flexible work arrangements are part of the employment conditions. 


Royal NIOZ, the Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Royal NIOZ, the Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, is part of NWO-I, the institutes organisation of NWO (Dutch Research Council).

Excellent, world-leading
An independent, international committee of experts, evaluating NIOZ according to the Standard Evaluation Protocol (SEP), finds 'that NIOZ is a world leading marine research institute producing excellent science. The four marine research departments are all world leading as measured by the highest quality research output, award of major prizes, and an outstanding record of external research funding. This all makes it evident that NIOZ is one of the most influential oceanographic research institutes world wide.'


Ocean System Research (OCS)

Researchers in the Department of Ocean System Research (OCS) study open-ocean processes and aquatic ecosystems from a variety of disciplines including physical and chemical oceanography, marine geology, paleoceanography, and deep-sea ecology. We investigate the past and present ocean to assess its future role in the Earth system. We collect data during oceanographic research cruises and conduct experiments both at sea and in the laboratory at our home base on Texel. The department carries out work in diverse environments all around the globe, from the Antarctic to the Arctic, and from the Caribbean to the North Sea.


  • Technical and laboratory; Research, development, innovation; PhD
  • Natural sciences; Engineering; Health
  • max. 40 hours per week
  • University graduate
  • AT 2021 - 27


Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ)

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Landsdiep 4, 1797 SZ, 't Horntje (Texel)

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