Assistant professor in social or behavioral data science (Tenure Track, full-time)

Assistant professor in social or behavioral data science (Tenure Track, full-time)

Published Deadline Location
26 Jul 1 Sep Tilburg

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Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences is looking for an
Assistant professor in social or behavioral data science
(Tenure Track, full-time)
for the Department of Methodology and Statistics

Job description


As a researcher (50% of the time), you conduct excellent research on (novel) data science methods applied to the social and behavioral sciences. The research focuses on developing and validating algorithms and (computational) models to analyze complex, high dimensional, or large data sets from social and behavioral sciences. Methods include Bayesian modelling, database integration, supervised and unsupervised learning, data mining, and machine learning. The candidate is also expected to collaborate with (substantive) researchers in our School and others in applying the new methods.

As a lecturer, you teach courses in research methods, data science, and applied statistics in the joint TU/e - TiU data science Bachelor, in the Data Science and Society master program, and in other programs to which our department contributes. Teaching includes coordinating one or two courses, teaching lectures and tutorials, and supervising research internships, bachelor theses, and master theses. The position also involves contributing to management.


Tilburg University


We are looking for an ambitious and talented researcher and dedicated teacher with a (nearly completed) PhD in data science methods with a focus on the social or behavioral sciences.
Candidates have an excellent (early career) track record in publishing research findings in recognized scientific journals in the field, should have affinity with teaching, and some experience in teaching and/or supervising students. We expect the candidate to hold or acquire the Basic Educational Qualification (BKO).

Conditions of employment

Fixed-term contract: tenure track.

The Tenure-track Assistant Professor position entails a five-year contract, with the possibility of tenure (and furthering one’s growth potential) thereafter. Depending on the candidates’ experience, the full-time salary for the position ranges between € 3746 and € 5127 gross per month based on scales 11-12 of the Collective Labour Agreement (CAO) Dutch Universities (not included are various allowances). Researchers from outside the Netherlands may qualify for a tax-free allowance equal to 30% of their taxable salary. The university will apply for such an allowance on their behalf. The university offers very good fringe benefits, such as an options model for terms and conditions of employment and excellent reimbursement of moving expenses. 


Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Tilburg University is a specialized university with a high international reputation that strives to advance society by deepening the understanding of that society through research and education. The Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences offers excellent, innovative education aimed at preparing students to become future leaders by focusing on knowledge, skills, and character building. The School offers a varied range of Bachelor and Master programs to its 3000 students and is organized around the motto of "Understanding Society". The school’s intellectually stimulating working environment challenges its workers to realize their ambitions; involvement and cooperation are essential to achieve this.
Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences


Department of Methodology and Statistics

The Department of Methodology and Statistics conducts excellent research in methods and statistics applied to social and behavioral sciences and is responsible for teaching methodology and statistics in the Bachelor and Research Master programs of the School. The department is a member of the graduate school Interuniversity Graduate School for Psychometrics and Sociometrics (IOPS) and participates in the Tilburg Experience Sampling Center (TESC), the Center of Research on Psychology in Somatic diseases (CoRPS), and the Data Science Center Tilburg (DSC/t). Its research program focuses on latent variable models of individual differences (structural equation models, factor analysis, latent class and finite mixture models, item response models), applied statistics and data science (Bayesian modelling, high dimensional data analysis, database integration), survey methodology (response styles, sampling, norming), and meta-research (publication bias, meta-analysis, statistical decision-making). The department has a strong tradition of working with the other (substantive) research programs in our School. 


  • Assistant professor
  • Behaviour and society
  • max. 40 hours per week
  • €3746—€5127 per month
  • Doctorate
  • 18211



Warandelaan 2, 5037 AB, Tilburg

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