Postdoc on the study to decipher the molecular mechanisms of Replication stress response

Postdoc on the study to decipher the molecular mechanisms of Replication stress response

Published Deadline Location
21 Mar 3 Apr Rotterdam

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Job description

DNA replication represents a crucial, but potentially dangerous process that cells must complete to undergo cellular division. A failure to properly maintain the integrity of replicating chromosomes inevitably leads to genome instability, which is an early event in tumorigenesis. The candidate will be part of a diverse research team studying molecular and the structural mechanisms underlying DNA replication stress and how it could be exploited to drive chemosensitivity.

The main focus of the project will be to decipher the role of RNA processing in replication fork stability and how this process could be disrupted to achieve chemosensitivity in tumors. To study the molecular effects of RNA metabolism in replication stress response, the candidate will employ multiple state of the art technologies CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing, High content microscopy, modern sequencing and proteomics technologies and mouse transplantations in combination with structural technologies like Electron Microscopy.


Erasmus MC (University Medical Center Rotterdam)


  • Candidates should have a PhD or are in the process of finishing their PhD.
  • The candidate should be highly motivated and should have a expertise in DNA repair biology, molecular biology technologies and also imaging technologies.
  • Additional expertise in mouse genetics is an added advantage.

Conditions of employment

  • The gross monthly salary amounts a maximum of € 5.088,- (scale 10), depending on your level of education.
  • Excellent fringe benefits, such as a 13th month that is already paid out in November and a individual travel expense package.
  • Pension insurance with ABP. We take care of approximately 2/3 of the monthly contribution.
  • Special benefits, such as a incompany physiotherapist and bicycle repairer. And there is also a gym where you can work on your fitness after work.


Erasmus MC

A healthy population and excellence in healthcare through research and education. This is what Erasmus MC stands for. Conducting groundbreaking work, pushing boundaries and leading the way. In research, education, and healthcare. We are practical people with a high level of expertise, working hard to improve and renew the healthcare of today and the public health of tomorrow.

The candidate will be positioned at the Department of Molecular Genetics and will work in a research team focussed on the study various aspects of the DNA replication stress and its connection to the damage response to exploit this knowledge for improving anti-cancer therapy. The department of Molecular Genetics is a vibrant and international group of more than 50 researchers working on various aspects of DNA damage, DNA repair and other DNA damage responses.


  • Postdoc
  • Health
  • max. 36 hours per week
  • €3230—€5088 per month
  • University graduate
  • 12.04.23.TBW-P1188122-1


Erasmus MC (University Medical Center Rotterdam)

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Dr. Molewaterplein 40, 3015 GD, Rotterdam

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