Postdoctoral Researcher in Condensed Matter Spectroscopy at HFML-FELIX

Postdoctoral Researcher in Condensed Matter Spectroscopy at HFML-FELIX

Published Deadline Location
6 Nov 3 Dec Nijmegen

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Job description

You are an enthusiastic, motivated and competent postdoc to strengthen the FELIX/HFML research team. This team exploits the worldwide unique combination of very strong DC magnetic fields (up to 33 T) available at the High Field Magnet Laboratory and very bright THz and IR FEL-based radiation sources of the FELIX laboratory for cutting-edge experiments in condensed matter. The focus of research will be on non-linear spectroscopy and dynamics in magnetic and strongly correlated electron systems and nanostructures. Various time-resolved pump-probe experimental schemes using IR and THz radiations in strong magnetic fields will be developed. You will have an opportunity to create and develop your own line of research. Your tasks will include to operate FLARE, the THz-range free electron laser, to improve its performance and radiation characteristics, to actively participate in the preparation and execution of FLARE-related experiments, and data analysis.


Radboud University


- a doctoral degree in physics;
- the ability and willingness to work in a team;
- good interpersonal skills;
- willingness to (occasionally) work outside office hours;
- strong affinity with experimental techniques;
- a good command of English.

Conditions of employment

Fixed-term contract: two years.

you will be classified as a Postdoctoral Researcher, Level 4 in the Dutch university job-ranking system (UFO).


Radboud University

Strategically located in Europe, Radboud University is one of the leading academic communities in the Netherlands. A place with a personal touch, where top-flight education and research take place on a beautiful green campus in modern buildings with state-of-art facilities.


Faculty of Science

The FELIX Laboratory at Radboud University (Nijmegen, Netherlands) uses intense, short-pulsed infrared and THz free electron lasers for research of matter. The four lasers (FELIX-1, FELIX-2, FELICE and FLARE) each produce their own range of wavelengths and together they provide a tuning range between 3 and 1500 µm. The radiation of the FELIX lasers is coupled to advanced instrumentation in 15 user end stations and also connects to the high field magnets at the neighbouring HFML laboratory. In user experiments the infrared radiation of the FELIX lasers interacts with molecules and materials, revealing detailed information about 3D structure, functional properties and electronic properties. The postdoctoral researcher will be embedded in an in-house user group on Condensed Matter Spectroscopy. Moreover, the FELIX Laboratory is a large research infrastructure and welcomes external users from all over the world to perform research projects. The FELIX Laboratory is a part of the Faculty of Science at Radboud University.

No commercial propositions please. ;


  • Postdoc
  • Natural sciences
  • max. 38 hours per week
  • max. €4084 per month
  • Doctorate
  • 62.81.17



Comeniuslaan 4, 6525 HP, Nijmegen

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