Full Professor of Applied Analysis

Full Professor of Applied Analysis

Published Deadline Location
22 Jan 14 Mar Nijmegen

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Job description

Radboud University (Nijmegen, Netherlands) is looking for an experienced mathematician with an established research and teaching record in applied analysis (including partial differential equations, mathematical modelling, and related subjects).
The position is ideally suited for candidates with an internationally visible research programme, external funding, and significant teaching and supervisory experience. The duties of an Associate or Full Professor include research, education, outreach, and management/organisation. You will lead and (if possible) expand a new research group in Applied Analysis, which already has two newly appointed tenure-trackers (i.e. assistant professors), and which will interact with one or more of our existing groups in Applied Stochastics, Mathematical Physics, and Algebra & Topology. Equally important, you will contribute to our teaching programme, including an active and leading contribution in developing a Master’s track in Applied Mathematics. The ability to form a bridge between pure and applied mathematics is strongly favoured, as is a relevant realm of applications, which may lie anywhere from the cosmos to life sciences to industry.

The position is in principle a full professorship (hoogleraar), but more junior applicants with high potential will be considered for initial appointment as an associate professor (UHD), including a career track towards full professorship.


Radboud University


- a collaborative, enthusiastic, open attitude with excellent communication skills;
- an established and internationally visible research line in some area in Applied Analysis, which fits into the overall research focus of IMAPP whist also expanding its scope;
- teaching skills and experience evidenced by a university teaching qualification (BKO) or equivalent;
- experience in the supervision of doctoral students and/or postdoctoral researchers;
- experience in acquiring external funding;
- established publication record in top-ranked scientific journals;
- proven administrative, organisational, management, and outreach qualities.

Conditions of employment

you will be classified as Full Professor 2 (hoogleraar 2) in the Dutch university job-ranking system ( UFO).
Radboud University is an equal opportunity employer, committed to building and maintaining a culturally diverse intellectual community, and as such encourages applications from women and minorities (particularly in the field of mathematics).


Radboud University

Strategically located in Europe, Radboud University is one of the leading academic communities in the Netherlands. A place with a personal touch, where top-flight education and research take place on a beautiful green campus in modern buildings with state-of-art facilities.



Faculty of Science

The Department of Mathematics is embedded in the Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics (IMAPP), part of the Faculty of Science. IMAPP is a world-class research centre devoted to understanding the universe in the broadest sense, including mathematically. The department actively collaborates with the Institute for Computing Science (ICIS), and is in the process of establishing research ties with the Radboud university medical center. At Radboud University, we conduct research and teach degree programmes covering the full width of the academic spectrum within science and society. Radboud University has a leafy, modern campus with state-of-the-art facilities, notably the spectacular Huygens Building, which houses the Faculty of Science. Radboud University enjoys an open and personal atmosphere. This stimulates knowledge sharing between researchers across disciplinary borders and creates a strong bond between faculty and students. As a result, Radboud University has become an increasingly successful university with a sound international reputation.

No commercial propositions please.



  • Professor; Associate professor; Assistant professor; Lecturer
  • 30.4—38 hours per week
  • max. €7766 per month
  • Doctorate
  • 62.04.18



Comeniuslaan 4, 6525 HP, Nijmegen

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