PhD - student

PhD - student

Published Deadline Location
9 Apr 1 May Rotterdam

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Job description

The PhD candidate will collaborate in a multi-disciplinary team consisting of Clinicians, Molecular Biologists and Computational Biologist and should contribute significantly to the field of Cancer Pharmacogenomics using his/her bioinformatics expertise. To accomplish these exiting tasks new in-house big data sets and data sets from Center of Personalized Cancer Treatment (CPCT), as well as, publicly available data sets will be heavily interrogated. The CCBC is looking for a highly motivated PhD-student that executes high-level statistical analysis and develops methods, tools and innovative algorithms in the field of Cancer Pharmacogenomics. We aim to publish these data in peer-reviewed journals in the field of Oncology and Computational Biology. The PhD-student will start a PhD program at Erasmus MC Graduate School.


Erasmus MC (University Medical Center Rotterdam)


You have a MSc degree in Informatics, Bioinformatics, Computational Biology or related field and experience in (Bio)Informatics, Statistics or Computer Science. You have demonstrated excellent programming skills in Perl or Python and preferably Java. You have proven experience in relational databases management systems, such as MySQL or PostgreSQL, in statistical computer language R and in Linux operating system. Experience in analyzing next-generation sequencing data is a prerequisite.

Furthermore, you have strong analytical and problem solving skills, excellent communications and writing skills and you are able to work independently and as a member of a bioinformatics team. A background in Cancer Biology is a strong plus.

Being able to present a certificate of good conduct is a condition for the appointment.

Conditions of employment

You will receive a temporary position for 4 years. The gross monthly salary is € 2.279 ,- in the 1st year and increases to € 2.919,- in the 4th year (scale OIO). The terms of employment are according to the Collective Bargaining Agreement for Dutch University Medical Centers (CAO UMC).


Erasmus MC

A healthy population and excellence in healthcare through research and education. This is what Erasmus MC stands for. Conducting groundbreaking work, pushing boundaries and leading the way. In research, education, and healthcare. We are practical people with a high level of expertise, working hard to improve and renew the healthcare of today and the public health of tomorrow.

The Erasmus MC Cancer Computational Biology Center (CCBC) is a bioinformatics and computational biology research facility. CCBC aims to innovate, facilitate and stimulate omics-based cancer research within the Erasmus Medical Center Cancer Institute. CCBC research facility collaborates on cancer research with several departments inside and outside Erasmus MC. For the current project, the bioinformatician will work in the Erasmus MC Cancer Institute.


  • PhD
  • Health
  • max. 36 hours per week
  • €2279—€2919 per month
  • University graduate
  • 12.02.18.TDdH-P372304-1


Erasmus MC (University Medical Center Rotterdam)

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's-Gravendijkwal 230, 3015 CE, Rotterdam

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