PhD student experienced in the analysis of -omics type of data and in molecular biology techniques

PhD student experienced in the analysis of -omics type of data and in molecular biology techniques

Published Deadline Location
6 Jun 21 Jun Rotterdam

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Job description

In the embryonic phase future nerve cells reproduce massively and settle in the brain, making connections and eventually functioning as adult nerve cells. If something goes wrong in this phase, children can be born with microcephaly, a developmental disorder which leads to a significantly smaller head. Complications may include intellectual disabilities, autism, epilepsy, and spasticity. This project, which is funded by ZonMW, aims to get more insight in what happens when the division of nerve cells malfunctions.

Three PhD students, working at the Departments of Cell Biology and of Clinical Genetics, will examine the last phase of neuronal cell division, called cytokinesis, during which the cytoplasm of a single cell is partitioned into two daughter cells by cleavage furrow ingression and membrane abscission. Focus will be on the midbody, a dense network of microtubules, proteins, and other components, and its crosstalk with plasma membrane lipids. Two Phd students have recently been appointed. Here, we are looking for a highly motivated PhD student with a keen interest in the biomedical research described above. The student will work in the group of Dr. M. Fornerod (Department of Cell Biology), where (s)he will study neuronal protein-lipid interaction networks using a combination of neuronal cell biology and analysis of -omics data.-omics data.


Erasmus MC (University Medical Center Rotterdam)


We are looking for a PhD candidate with a MSc degree. You are both an independent researcher and a team player. You have excellent communication skills and, since the team is international, you must have a good command of the English language. You are good at problem solving, and are interested in learning and implementing new technologies in the lab. Experience in the analysis of -omics type of data (RNA-Seq, proteomics, etc) and in molecular biology techniques is highly desirable.

Being able to present a certificate of good conduct, a valid proof of identity, diploma's and/ or relevant registration such as BIG/ RGS are conditions for the appointment.

Conditions of employment

You will receive a temporary position for 4 years. The gross monthly salary is € 2.279 ,- in the 1st year and increases to € 2.919,- in the 4th year (scale OIO). The terms of employment are according to the Collective Bargaining Agreement for Dutch University Medical Centers (CAO UMC).


Erasmus MC

Erasmus MC stands for a healthy population and excellence in healthcare. By conducting groundbreaking work, we aim to push boundaries through leading the way in research, education and healthcare. We have access to the latest equipment and techniques in a state-of-the-art environment.

The candidate will be positioned at the Department of Cell Biology. The student will join a small team of researchers interested in microtubule-lipid crosstalk during neuronal cytokinesis. (S)he will closely collaborate with two other recently appointed PhD students, working in the groups of Dr. N. Galjart (Department of Cell Biology), and Dr. G. Mancini (Department of Clinical Genetics). The Department of Cell Biology is a vibrant and international community of researchers. Our challenge is to be at the forefront of the world-wide effort to understand the molecular and cellular basis of normal development and disease and to bridge the gap between basic biology, medicine and applied science.


  • PhD
  • Health
  • max. 36 hours per week
  • €2279—€2919 per month
  • University graduate
  • 23.03.18.TBW-P387190-1


Erasmus MC (University Medical Center Rotterdam)

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's-Gravendijkwal 230, 3015 CE, Rotterdam

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