Junior researcher in field-based studies in leprosy control

Junior researcher in field-based studies in leprosy control

Published Deadline Location
30 Jan 20 Feb Rotterdam

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Job description

Leprosy is a neglected tropical disease (NTD) with approximately 200,000 new cases detected annually in Asia, Africa and South America. The department of Public Health has for two decades been involved in field studies focusing on the development and assessment of preventive interventions such as chemoprophylaxis for close contacts of leprosy patients. The researcher will be involved in several leprosy projects with the task to support data collection and database management at field/national level, perform data analysis and contribute to the writing of scientific papers. The researcher is expected to publish in high impact peer-reviewed journals. Traveling will be an important component of the work.


Erasmus MC (University Medical Center Rotterdam)


We are looking for an enthusiastic researcher with a Master of Science degree in Health Sciences, Epidemiology, Medicine, or related field with an interest in infectious diseases and experience with epidemiological data analysis. The candidate should demonstrate a strong affinity with and capacity for database management, modern Research Data Management practices, and be able to programme in the Office environment (VBA, C#) and query databases (SQL). Experience with Access, MySQL or other database systems together with quantitative skills, including statistics and statistical programming is essential. Knowledge of web- or cloud-based data collection tools like Google Aggregate is a plus. In addition, the candidate will be required to travel regularly to field countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America and have well-developed cultural sensitivity and communication skills to work with local researchers and study participants. Previous experience conducting research, preferably in low- and middle income countries, is required. The candidate should have good command of the English language, both verbally and in writing.

Being able to present a certificate of good conduct, a valid proof of identity, diploma's and/ or relevant registration such as BIG/ RGS are conditions for the appointment.

Conditions of employment

The position is offered for four years leading to a PhD, depending on positive evaluation. The gross monthly salary amounts a maximum of € 4.361,- (scale 10), depending on your level of education and relevant experience and based on a full-time working week of 36 hours. The terms of employment are in accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement for University Medical Centers (CAO UMC).


Erasmus MC

Erasmus MC stands for a healthy population and excellence in healthcare. By conducting groundbreaking work, we aim to push boundaries through leading the way in research, education and healthcare. We have access to the latest equipment and techniques in a state-of-the-art environment.

The candidate will be working within the group of Infectious Diseases at the Department of Public Health. Our Department of Public Health employs researchers from various backgrounds, including medical sciences, social sciences, computer sciences, economics, and mathematics, providing a well-rounded working environment with a wide range of expertise. Within the department, the research unit of Infectious Disease Control is an internationally leading group the evaluation of control programs, with a strong emphasis in mathematical modelling of transmission and control of parasite, bacterial, and viral infections. The junior researcher position is linked to several ongoing leprosy research projects, which are carried out in collaboration with NLR and various international partners.

Detailed information about the department and the infectious diseases research group can be found here.


  • Research, development, innovation
  • Health
  • max. 36 hours per week
  • €2750—€4361 per month
  • University graduate
  • 05.10.19.TG-P466924-1


Erasmus MC (University Medical Center Rotterdam)

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's-Gravendijkwal 230, 3015 CE, Rotterdam

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