Researcher / data-scientist on computational risk assessment of chemical substances | RIVM

Researcher / data-scientist on computational risk assessment of chemical substances | RIVM

Published Deadline Location
12 Jul 13 Aug Bilthoven

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Are you passionate about modeling and chemical toxicity, and do you want to contribute to a safer and healthier environment? Then this vacancy might spark your interest!

Job description

Purpose of the position

From a regulatory perspective, there is an urge to get a better grip on substances of possible concern. By using already available (toxicological) data more efficiently, the hazards of substances with unknown properties can be better estimated. For example, the RIVM has developed the ZZS similarity tool to identify substances of potential concern for further evaluation or regulation. Within this position you will further develop this and other models. This includes the use of chemical and toxicological data, like chemical fingerprints, bioassays and omics data. An important part of your work is data curation and evaluation, as well as programming, validation and analysis of model performance. You will work on these topics together with a team of committed and experienced risk assessors.

Tasks and activities

  • You develop and transform research questions into a detailed approach.
  • You analyze and validate the performance of models that you develop.
  • You discuss and present research questions and obtained results, and you contribute to reports and/or scientific publications.
  • You oversee and apply relevant scientific developments.

Unique to this job

In this position at the RIVM you will be confronted with unique, innovative and challenging research questions. Due to the independent and scientific position of the RIVM, you find yourself between the academic and regulatory framework and you come into contact with the academic world as well as the ministries and the European Chemicals Agency. In addition, the products to be developed can be applied directly within the risk assessment and thus can have a direct impact on the regulation of chemical substances.




What do you bring

  • You are results-oriented and have a relevant university qualification at an academic level, for example in biology, chemistry, (eco)toxicology, biomedical sciences, (bio)informatics or a comparable (environmental) scientific education. PhD qualification is a plus.
  • You have demonstrable experience and have affinity with the use of programming languages (for example in R or python).
  • You are familiar with the basic principles of (eco)toxicology.
  • Experience with model development and evaluation is a plus.
  • You have excellent verbal and written communication skills in Dutch and/or English.
  • You are able to communicate specialist know-how in an understandable and convincing way to colleagues and external professionals.
  • Have you never worked in risk assessment or programmed with chemical structures before? We are also open to your application. We teach you everything you need to know.

What are your strengths:

  • Analytical thinking: You analyze issues from different angles.
  • Judgement: You form an opinion based on information, arguments and considerations.
  • Cooperation: You learn from your own experiences and transfer new insights to colleagues.
  • Planning and organizing: You are responsible for the progress of your own work, and make timely adjustments. You can record, present and publish results in writing.
  • Creative thinking: You come up with new possibilities in your work and have a proactive attitude.

Conditions of employment

Fixed-term contract: 18 months.

  • Salarisniveau: schaal 10, schaal 11
  • Salarisomschrijving: Besides a marktconform salary we offer an additional remunaration package. Other employee-conditions include personal development, study facilities, an individual employee conditions choice system (IKB) and a commuter's allowance (based on public transport).
  • Maandsalaris: Min €2.811 – Max. €5.139 (bruto)
  • Dienstverband: Arbeidsovereenkomst voor bepaalde tijd
  • Contractduur: Temporary assignment for the duration of 18 months
  • Minimaal aantal uren per week: 32
  • Maximaal aantal uren per week: 36

Overige arbeidsvoorwaarden

Naast het salaris ontvang je een Individueel Keuzebudget (IKB). Het IKB bestaat uit geld (16,37% van je bruto jaarsalaris) en tijd. Met het IKB maak jij de keuzes die bij jou passen en kun je een deel van je arbeidsvoorwaarden zelf samenstellen. Je kunt er bijvoorbeeld voor kiezen om een deel van je maandinkomen te laten uitbetalen wanneer jij dat wenst. Ook kun je dit budget omzetten in verlof en andersom of besteden aan fiscaal vriendelijke doelen. De Rijksoverheid hecht sterk aan persoonlijke groei en loopbaanontwikkeling en biedt daarvoor tal van mogelijkheden. Tot de secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden behoren onder meer verschillende studiefaciliteiten, bedrijfsfitness, volledige vergoeding van je OV-reiskosten woon-werkverkeer en gedeeltelijk betaald ouderschapsverlof.

This vacancy is on a project basis (18 months), if during the project structural funds arise, there is a prospect of an employment contract for an indefinite period.


Environmental Risks of Substances and Products [Milieurisico’s van Stoffen en Producten] (MSP)

Within the research department Environmental Risks of Substances and Products [Milieurisico’s van Stoffen en Producten] (MSP) we work with about enthusiastic 25 colleagues to deal with questions like: “What are the effects of pesticides, (veterinary)medicines, industrial chemicals and microplastics to our living environment? What is needed to adequately manage these risks?”.

We support various governments in preventing environmental problems caused by chemicals of concern (such as PFAS). We participate in (inter)national scientific studies and we represent the Netherlands in European and worldwide consultations.

The department is part of the Centre for Safety of Substances and Products [Veiligheid van Stoffen en Producten] (VSP).


  • Research, development, innovation
  • Natural sciences; Health
  • 32—36 hours per week
  • €2811—€5139 per month
  • University graduate
  • #326



Antonie van Leeuwenhoeklaan 9, 3721 MA, Bilthoven

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