The research you carry out will be within two use cases. First, a logical robot that aids in the process of analyzing test samples within a hospital. This robot is to take on tasks that are currently performed by laboratory workers. Additionally, the work of those workers will change to overseeing the robots and teaching them new skills in the face of changes in the workflow or test samples. The second use case relates to autonomous greenhouses, where the environment is optimized for plant growth. This approach leads to inhospitable working conditions for human workers inside the greenhouse. Robot-worker teams could still operate inside the greenhouse to maintain and harvest crops. For both use cases, the question is how the robotic systems, and the operation thereof, can be designed to facilitate enjoyment in work and provide meaning to workers.
We are seeking a post-doc for a full-time 2-year project on "Designing robotic systems and operation to facilitate worker wellbeing". You will be responsible for:
- Developing creative prototypes for (remote) operation of robotic systems.
- Running user studies to evaluate these systems and their impact on the current workforce.
- Collaborating within two consortia of universities, institutions, and companies.
- The timely writing of project deliverables and research publications.