The School of Law, located in the
historical city centre of Utrecht, is offering an exciting postdoctoral position to carry out research in an international and interdisciplinary team within the framework of the RE-WIRING Horizon Europe project, that has been granted under the call
“HORIZON-CL2-2022-TRANSFORMATIONS-01-5 Gender and Social, Economic and Cultural Empowerment”. This project is aimed at building a European network of academic and non-academic institutions and stakeholders to contribute to a more resilient, equal and inclusive EU.
The project will trace current limitations of girls’ and women’s access to political, economic, social and cultural power (of definition) and is geared towards developing new theoretical and methodological approaches as well as to creating/producing/kickstarting/facilitating institutional and societal change, focusing on the mainstreaming of a transformative equality approach in the EU and beyond. The project will thus reveal and analyse the existence of difficult-topenetrate strongholds of power in different fields, occupied by gender-privileged groups. It will on the one hand investigate the main institutional, empirical and symbolical obstacles hampering access to power, while on the other hand identifying, crafting and testing/implementing possible solutions to it that are capable of achieving long-term transformations. The project envisions working with an intersectional, multi- and interdisciplinary research agenda based on a based in three-dimensional theoretical and methodological approach of the interconnectedness between the symbolical, the institutional and the empirical levels in order to bring about (durable societal change. It also takes a crisis and cross-cultural perspective (see for a brief description also
There will be six Research Fellows employed as postdocs at the various involved universities (besides Utrecht, located in Leuven, Gdansk, Bilbao, Portsmouth and Cape Town). They will not only work on the specific WP for which they have been selected, but they will also be contributing significantly to the overarching Workpackages (on synthesis, impact, engagement, coordination and dissemination). The workpackages encompass a methods and theory innovation lab (WP1), policies and laws (WP2), debiasing education (WP3), employment (WP4), representation (WP5) and crises (WP6). The research is embedded in an international and interdisciplinary setting, in close collaboration with the other post-docs in the project and the senior researchers from the various partner institutions. The project also involves the Centre for Inclusive Leadership (CFIL) as a consortium partner and close collaboration with external stakeholders, in particular the OECD (Organisation of Economic Cooperation), ETUI (European Trade Union Institute) and CEC European Managers (Confédération Européenne des Cadres –European Confederation of Managers).
For workpackage 2 Laws, policies and decision-making we are looking for a postdoctoral researcher.