What does the project entail? The project is embedded in the National Suicide Prevention Agenda and is carried out in close collaboration with 113 Suicide Prevention and RINO group Utrecht. One of the objectives of the National Suicide Prevention Agenda concerns the proper training of healthcare professionals in the field of suicide prevention, such as psychologists. Structural embedding of continuous education within psychology is essential to this. An e-learning course has recently been developed for the Bachelor, Master, and post-master curricula for Healthcare Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Clinical (Neuro) Psychologist. This follow-up project revolves around the implementation of the learning program within the national academic and post-academic psychology programs. In addition, we investigate the effects of the learning path on knowledge, competencies, skills and care (policy) in practice to optimize the learning path. We are also exploring further international distribution of the learning path.
The position focuses on:
- National implementation: You shape the implementation of the e-learning for the academic and post-academic psychology curricula with the aim of structural embedding.
- Process evaluation: You study and describe the implementation process, such as distributing the module, testing and evaluating the product, sharing the product, recording progress, scaling up and further didactic development.
- Learning effect measurement: You work on the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the content and connection of the e-learning to the four learning levels in order to further improve and tighten the suicide prevention skills learning line.
- Healthcare effect measurement and implementation research: You prepare the qualitative evaluation of the effects of systematic training in suicide prevention skills on better care for suicidality, and of factors that can promote and hinder implementation of the training.
- You contribute to a subsidy proposal for a PhD program based on the effect measurements.