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Scientist Roy Huijsmans delivers meals by bike for his research

  • #anthropology
  • #sociology

Poor working conditions, little income and no rights. We often hear these negative aspects about platform labour, such as meal delivery. But platform labour also has benefits, especially for migrants, though we hear very little about them. Researcher Roy Huijsmans delved into it.

Scientist Roy Huijsmans noticed something in 2017. Some of his students delivered meals alongside their studies: 'That students work alongside their studies is, of course, not strange. But at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), most students are from outside the EU. Cycling must already be quite a challenge for them. Let alone maneuvering through a city you don't know very well, with a smartphone and a bike. That drew me into this research: what is the relationship between migration and platform work?'

Roy Huijsmans is an ethnographer. That means he doesn't do research from behind his computer. He goes out and about. So in 2019, Roy started to deliver meals for Deliveroo. He did so from 2019 until Deliveroo stopped delivering in the Netherlands back in 2022.

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Photo: Carl Campbell (Unsplash)


Working at the KNAW

  • #communicationsciences
  • #culturalstudies
  • #history
  • #languagesciences
  • #psychologicalsciences

Would you like to work at the very heart of science? Become part of KNAW's research community.

Over 1,500 colleagues work at ten research institutes and two institutes that offer a research infrastructure. The Academy’s research institutes are active in the humanities, social sciences and life sciences. Take a look at our vacancies in Amsterdam, The Hague, Leiden, Utrecht and Wageningen!

Read more about working at the KNAW.


Grand Final of the Philips Innovation Award: 11 June

Academic entrepreneurs, get ready for the Grand Final of the Philips Innovation Award on June 11th in Theater Rotterdam! It is the largest student-entrepreneur award in The Netherlands. The Award is yearly rewarded to the most innovative student start-up with the highest potential.

On June 11, 8 start-ups will compete to become the winner of the Philips Innovation Award 2024! The jury consists of successful entrepreneurs and captains of industry. The evening will be filled with pitches, a keynote by War Child founder Willemijn Verloop, and two fireside chats with former PHIA winner Michael Musandu and well-known entrepreneur Michiel Muller! It promises to be an inspiring evening!

Don’t miss out and reserve your free ticket via this link: https://bit.ly/4dTjBfs or via www.phia.nl