PhD student on Patient Preferences for Cancer Screening
You cannot apply for this job anymore (deadline was 23 Jan)
Scientific Training for Post-Translational Modification Detection in Cancer Screening - Understanding the social aspects of cancer screening to promote adoption.
Academic fields
Job types
Education level
University graduate
Weekly hours
36 hours per week
Salary indication
€3017—€3824 per month
Job description
The focus of this project is understanding the social aspects of cancer screening to promote adoption. In this project the PhD candidate will apply the integrated stakeholder-centric impact evaluation framework to investigate expectations and requirements with respect to pan-cancer screening among all stakeholders (patients, payers and commissioners) involved in cancer screening. The PhD candidate start by mapping all relevant stakeholders, will collect user expectations and requirements with respect to pan-cancer screening and will elicit population preferences by making use of discrete choice experiments, focusing on the potential harms of pan-cancer screening (e.g. false-positive test results, overdiagnosis and complications), related to mortality reduction, test frequency and screening setting/location.
The project is part of the STRIM Training Network “Scientific Training for Post-Translational Modification Detection in Cancer Screening” is a consortium of world leaders in bioinformatics and biomarkers discovery, bioreceptor selection and design, nanofabrication and electrode production, biosensor development, cancer research, and health technology assessment from 6 universities, 2 companies, 3 medical research centers and 2 hospitals. STRIM announces 13 positions for Doctoral Candidates (DCs), who will have access to state-of-the-art equipment and will obtain a unique scientific, technical, industrial, and entrepreneurial training. Doctoral training in STRIM will encompass state-of-the art approaches for ultra-sensitive detection of Post-Translational Modification (PTM) biomarkers as cancer screening tools by building on recent advances in electrochemiluminescence, aptamer and DNA microarrays and conducting polymer micro-structured electrodes. These techniques will reach new levels of specificity and overcome barriers to the realization of multiplexed diagnostics for enhanced cancer screening. All translational issues will be considered in harmonization with regulatory and health technology assessment and social acceptability will be screened in the population. The graduates will be ideally placed to enter and support European industry across a number of sectors ((bio)medical, diagnostic devices development and production). They will also be capable of creating new businesses thanks to a combination of in depth training in entrepreneurship and direct experience of establishing and running a virtual company as part of the training network. Beyond the trained researchers, the project will create unique biotechnologies improving the health and well-being of European citizens and intellectual property with a strong commercial potential. More information on this Project can be found here.
Work environment
At the department of Public Health, we are dedicated to improve population health at local, national, and international level through excellent research and education. Our research is characterised as highly multidisciplinary and is focused on the development and use of innovative methods. Collaboration with and direct impact on practice and policy are at the heart of our work. Within the department, the PhD student will work in the research group Screening, which is an internationally leading group in large-scale multidisciplinary population-based randomised controlled screening trials to establish the efficacy of screening, evaluating active international screening programmes and tests to establish effectiveness and guiding public health policies using predictions of favourable and unfavourable effects and the cost of screening, based on micro-simulation modelling of the natural history of disease, and costeffectiveness and cost-utility analyses.
We expect a Master´s degree (or equivalent) in Health Sciences, Public Health, Epidemiology, or Medicine. Furthermore, the applicant should be able to perform team oriented as well as independent work. Key skills that the candidate will be developing and working with are quantitative/qualitative analysis, scientific communication (oral and written). We are especially interested in candidates who want to further develop their skills in acquisition, multidisciplinary collaboration, leadership, goal-oriented working, creativity, initiative, engagement, vision, and visibility. Applicants must fulfill the usual MSCA eligibility and mobility rules.
Fixed-term contract: 4 years.
At Erasmus MC we dare to step forward in research, education and health care.
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