

Join the 'High Tech Human Touch' university

  • #computerscience
  • #engineering
  • #informationscience
  • #technology

Looking for a job that matters? Discover the groundbreaking research at the University of Twente!

Work as a researcher at the interface between technology and society. Explore the research institutes of the University of Twente:

  • MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology: leading in nanotechnology research.

  • TechMed Centre: advancing health and medical technologies.

  • Digital Society Institute: innovating in digitalization and smart systems.

Join the high tech - human touch university now! Learn more: https://www.academictransfer.com/en/employer/utwente/.


Working at Radboud University - You have a part to play

  • #environmentalscience
  • #history
  • #juridicalsciences
  • #languagesciences
  • #sociology

What is good research and education to you? For us, this means discovering, digging, collaborating, discussing and inspiring. Discover how we contribute to science on Radboud Recharge.

"Moving to a new country can make you feel quite rootless, but at Radboud University, I felt welcome and supported." says PhD candidate Farnaz Mosannenzadeh.

Learn more about working at Radboud University.


Pop sector on the scientific tour

  • #communicationsciences
  • #culturalstudies
  • #history
  • #sociology

Pop music has an impact on society, which makes it interesting for sociological research. That is exactly what Pauwke Berkers does. Within the Department of Cultural Studies, he is a Professor of Sociology of Popular Music, specifically in relation to Inclusion, Welfare and Resilience.

"In terms of pop music research, we are the leading player in the Netherlands", says Prof.dr. Pauwke Berkers (Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication).

Continue reading to discover what fascinates Pauwke about pop music and what his research is all about.


Working at Amsterdam UMC

  • #medicalsciences
  • #neurosciences
  • #pharmacologicalsciences
  • #psychologicalsciences
  • #technology

Would you like to discover the healthcare of tomorrow?

Amsterdam University Medical Centers is a leading medical center that combines complex high-quality patient care, innovative scientific research and education of the next generation committed health care professionals.

"Based on the scientific publication statistics, Amsterdam UMC ranks among the premier institutions of Europe." says PhD candidate and Pharmacotherapy teacher Siham Azahaf.

Find out what Amsterdam UMC has to offer you: https://www.academictransfer.com/en/employer/amsterdamumc/


Beyond Technology: Utrecht AI Event

  • #computerscience
  • #informationscience
  • #technology

AI Labs, inspiration, best practices

AI developments are moving at a rapid pace. But making AI work for the benefit of society requires going beyond technology and collaborating across disciplines and organisations.

On Tuesday November 26th, the Utrecht AI Event will bring together experts from business, government, research and education.

For more information and subscription details, keep an eye on: https://www.uu.nl/en/events/beyond-technology-utrecht-ai-event


Cutting-edge research at Maastricht University

  • #economics
  • #environmentalscience
  • #juridicalsciences
  • #psychologicalsciences
  • #technology

Meet Maastricht University: where they contribute to solving major societal issues. What are the primary research themes of this university?

1. Quality of life
2. Learning and Innovation
3. Europe in a Globalising World
4. Sustainability and circularity

Find out more about their research themes and check the current UM jobs: https://www.academictransfer.com/en/employer/maastricht-university/


The ultimate market portfolio

  • #economics

Laurens Swinkels, Associate Professor of Finance at Erasmus School of Economics, and Ronald Doeswijk introduced new research to better determine a truer market portfolio. The Financial Times has dedicated an article to this research paper. 

The research by Doeswijk and Swinkels presents an updated global market portfolio, using monthly data from 1970-2022 to examine risk and reward over a broader time span than previous studies. They focus on investable assets weighted by market sizes, although the method has limitations. The study finds the global market portfolio generated excess returns of 0.3% per month during this period. The use of monthly data offers nuanced insights into the market's performance.

To continue reading and downloading the article, visit this EUR-webpage.


Working at UMC Utrecht

  • #medicalsciences
  • #neurosciences
  • #pharmacologicalsciences

Ever thought about working at UMC Utrecht? They developed talent programs specifically for PhD-students, post-docs, assistant professors, associate and new full professors.

"The program offers opportunity for your vision and ambition, something we simply do not get around to in everyday life. That's very pleasant." states one of the participants of this talent program.

Read more about working at this medical centre as a scientist: https://www.academictransfer.com/en/employer/umcu/.


3 Body Problem: The phenomenon from the Netflix series dissected

  • #environmentalscience
  • #mathematics
  • #physics

Scientists continue to explore age-old physics problem

The popular Netflix series 3 Body Problem, which launched in March 2024, delves into many topics that the researchers at the Faculty of Science deal with on a daily basis. Virtual realities, extra dimensions, and advanced nano fibers weave throughout the storyline. However, the three-body problem is leading. What exactly entails this complex issue, and does it have real-world significance? PhD candidates in theoretical physics, Mick van Vliet and Arno Hoefnagels, shed light on these questions.

Continue reading about the research of Mick and Arno.


Samen werken aan wetenschap - NWO

“Ik vind het leuk om mensen en instituten uit verschillende vakgebieden bij elkaar te brengen. Vanuit mijn rol bij NWO sta ik echt aan de vooravond van innovatie en kennis. Hoewel het werk vrij individueel is, zijn we bij NWO altijd verantwoordelijk als team.” zegt Setareh Mohammadin, Programmacoördinator bij NWO (Dutch Research Council).

Wil je graag werken aan het vernieuwen en verbeteren van de wetenschap? Lees meer over NWO als werkgever - Samen werken aan wetenschap.