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EUR Sustainability Summit 2024

Friday 11 Oct 2024, 09:00 - 17:00, Campus Woudestein

What can universities do to enable a just and sustainable society?

We are very happy to announce that we will finally welcome higher education institutions and organizations from across The Netherlands on the 11th of October 2024 at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Together, we’ll reimagine the role of universities in shaping a just and sustainable society and foster a collaborative movement within Dutch academia. Regardless of our fields of study or research, the desire to leave behind a thriving planet for future generations unites us all. 

The EUR Sustainability Summit 2024 invites students and staff from the EUR community, as well as peers from other higher education institutions across the Netherlands, to come together, share insights, and collectively devise common strategies. 

More information and sign up: https://www.eur.nl/en/events/eur-sustainability-summit-2024-2024-10-11.


Genetic insights shed light on how and where bacteria form brightly coloured colonies without pigments

Iridescent bacteria even found in deep ocean

Some bacteria form colonies that display striking, reflective colours. New genetic insights into the formation of such colours allowed an interdisciplinary, international team of researchers to identify the environments and bacterial groups in which these colours are found. Doing so, the team has made a start in understanding the function of these colours in bacteria. The findings, which were published yesterday in the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), might have implications for the development of new innovative materials that use bacteria to replace non-sustainable dyes.

The striking, vibrant colours that we know from butterfly wings and peacock feathers are not the result of dyes or pigments. Instead, they are created by tiny, ordered structures that interact with light, creating a vibrant display of hues that is often perceived as iridescence (changes in colours depending on the angle of view or illumination). Such ‘structural colour’ is widespread in nature, and also exist in bacteria.

"The new fundamental insights in structural colour in bacteria might serve as the foundation for the future development of innovative materials." - Colin Ingham, founder of biotech company Hoekmine BV and initiator of the study

Continue reading about this research at the UU Science website.

Image: Colin Ingham, Hoekmine BV.


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Create new possibilities for yourself, your colleagues and society as a whole. Using modern technology and science to drive innovation, change and progress. That’s what it means to work at the University of Twente.

The University of Twente brings people and technology together in the best possible ways. Whoever you are and whatever your talents, ambitions and personal interests are, at UT, we aim to appreciate you, challenge you, and encourage you to flourish.

Join our 'High Tech Human Touch' university. Discover our University of Twente as employer.