PhD position in the area of horse breeding and genomics

PhD position in the area of horse breeding and genomics

Published Deadline Location
8 May 3 Jun Wageningen

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Job description

The Animal Breeding and Genomics group at Wageningen University and Research is looking for an enthusiastic PhD candidate who would like to help horse studbooks to implement breeding for better health in their breeding programs.

The PhD will be employed as part of a newly funded public–private partnership (PPP) entitled: “Sustainable breeding programs for genetically healthy horse populations in the Netherlands.”

The PPP aims to support horse studbooks in the Netherlands in their effort to sustainably manage their horse populations, by developing a genetic management program. Such a program should comprise an optimal balance between breed conservation, mitigating deleterious mutations and selection for health and performance. The emphasis on either of these 3 pillars is depending on the genetic status of the horse population.

The PhD candidate will be member of the PPP team and will focus on optimizing the genetic management program for the Dutch Warmblood Horse Association (KWPN). The specific objectives of the PhD-project are: 1) to map and interpret the status of genetic diversity of subgroups of the studbook 2) to detect mutations that are associated with health and fertility 3) To optimally integrate selection for better health and performance while maintaining genetic diversity.

Genomic methodologies can help to better quantify the current status and determine optimal breeding strategies. Several types of genomic datasets (standard SNP arrays and WGS) will be assessed to evaluate genetic diversity and detect mutations associated with health and fertility. The large standard phenotypic databases of the studbook as well as specifically collected phenotypes will be used in this project.

The results from the pedigree-based and genomic assessments will be the basis to compare possible management strategies which will be evaluated on their long-term effects and practical feasibility. For example, while optimum contribution selection (OCS) is theoretically the best strategy, mean kinship selection-based strategies might be more feasible.

The PhD candidate will closely collaborate with researchers and managers of the KWPN studbook as well as with the PhD-student working on the Friesian horse studbook within the PPP.

  • Prof. Martien Groenen
  • Dr Harmen Doekes
  • Dr Martijn Derks
  • Dr Bart Ducro


Wageningen University & Research


You have / You are :
  • a master’s degree in a relevant biological field (Animal Breeding and Genomics, Bioinformatics, Molecular Biology) with affinity for the topic;
  • a strong affinity for working with and/or developing bioinformatics pipelines;
  • a strong interest in genetic diversity in animal population;
  • a strong interest in applied research;
  • creative and innovative;
  • good organisational and (written and spoken) communication skills in English, as well as a proven ability to collaborate with others;
  • an affinity with horse breeding and horse studbooks is a pre
  • willingness to travel internationally, to attend conferences and visit other institutes.

Conditions of employment

Wageningen University & Research offers excellent terms of employment. A few highlights from our Collective Labour Agreement include:
  • partially paid parental leave;
  • working hours that can be discussed and arranged so that they allow for the best possible work-life balance;
  • the option to accrue additional compensation / holiday hours by working more, up to 40 hours per week;
  • there is a strong focus on vitality and you can make use of the sports facilities available on campus for a small fee;
  • a fixed December bonus of 8.3%;
  • excellent pension scheme.

In addition to these first-rate employee benefits, you will receive a fully funded PhD position and you will be offered a course program tailored to your needs and the research team.

The gross salary for the first year is € 2.770 - per month rising to € 3.539,- in the fourth year in according to the Collective Labour Agreements for Dutch Universities (CAO-NU) (scale P). This is based on a full-time working week of 38 hours. We offer a temporary contract for 18 months which will be extended for the duration of the project if you perform well.

There are plenty of options for personal initiative in a learning environment, and we provide excellent training opportunities. We are offering a unique position in an international environment with a pleasant and open working atmosphere.

You are going to work at the greenest and most innovative campus in Holland, and at a university that has been chosen as the “Best University” in the Netherlands for the 19th consecutive time.

Coming from abroad
Wageningen University & Research is the university and research centre for life sciences. The themes we deal with are relevant to everyone around the world and Wageningen, therefore, has a large international community and a lot to offer to international employees.

Because we expect you to work and live in the Netherlands our team of advisors on Dutch immigration procedures will help you with the visa application procedures for yourself and, if applicable, for your family.

Feeling welcome also has everything to do with being well informed. We can assist you with any additional advice and information about for example helping your partner to find a job, housing, or schooling. Finally, certain categories of international staff may be eligible for a tax exemption on a part of their salary during the first five years in the Netherlands.


Wageningen University & Research

The mission of Wageningen University & Research is “To explore the potential of nature to improve the quality of life”. Under the banner Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen University and the specialised research institutes of the Wageningen Research Foundation have joined forces in contributing to finding solutions to important questions in the domain of healthy food and living environment. With its roughly 30 branches, 7,600 employees (6,700 fte) and 13,100 students and over 150,000 participants to WUR’s Life Long Learning, Wageningen University & Research is one of the leading organisations in its domain. The unique Wageningen approach lies in its integrated approach to issues and the collaboration between different disciplines.

Read the 5 reasons why your future colleagues enjoy working at WUR and watch the video below to get an idea of our green campus!

We will recruit for the vacancy ourselves, so no employment agencies please. However, sharing in your network is appreciated.


  • PhD
  • Agriculture
  • max. 38 hours per week
  • €2770—€3539 per month
  • University graduate
  • P1514324-1


Wageningen University & Research

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Droevendaalsesteeg, 6708 PB, Wageningen

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