PhD student / postdoc molecular immunology

PhD student / postdoc molecular immunology

Published Deadline Location
4 Mar 18 Mar Amsterdam

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Job description

Immunotherapy has established itself as standard treatment of cancer. To complement current immunotherapies, we aim to identify mechanisms through which cancer cells evade T cell recognition. Our genome-wide screens have recently identified a novel pathway that negatively affects the antigen presentation by MHC class I. Knockout and inhibition of this pathway, which involves synthesis enzymes of glycolipids, restores MHC class I function and increases immunogenicity of cancer cells (Immunity 2021). In this project, the applicant will unravel the molecular interaction of glycolipids with MHC class I and other immune cell receptors by combining genetic engineering with molecular biology. In addition, the applicant will further dissect the regulation of MHC class I based on our genome-wide screens in conjunction with publicly available data. In the long term, our work will establish better understanding of tumor immune escape and will provide potential novel targets for immunotherapy.


Academic Medical Center (AMC)


We invite highly motivated individuals with a master degree or PhD degree in Biomedical Sciences with an interest in (molecular) immunology to apply for this position. We are looking for a responsible, creative, accurate and team-oriented candidate with good communication skills in spoken and written English. Affection or experience with bioinformatics (programming competence) is required. A track record in flow cytometry and basic molecular biology techniques is a pre.

Conditions of employment

Fixed-term contract: PhD student 4 year and Postdoc 1 year with outlook for 2 year extension.

We offer you ample opportunity for development, deepening and broadening, additional training and a place to grow! Working at AMR means working in an inspiring and professional environment where development is encouraged in every respect.

  • The maximum gross monthly salary for a PHD candidate based on a 36-hour work week in the first year is € 2.495,- and increases up to the fourth year to € 3.196,- (scale OIO CAO UMC).
  • The maximum gross monthly salary for a Postdoc candidates based on a 36-hour work week is between € 2.911,- and € 4.615,- (scale 10 CAO UMC)
  • The base salary does not include holiday pay (8%) and a year-end bonus (8.3%).
  • We initially offer a contract for 12 months, with the prospect of extending the contract upon good performance. PhD student 4 year and Postdoc 1 year with outlook for 2 year extension.
  • The project will be performed at Sanquin Research, which is well reachable by public transport and car.
  • Pension is accrued at Be Frank.

For an overview of all our other terms of employment, see
Amsterdam UMC has an open culture. Together we continuously build an environment where everyone feels welcome. To achieve that, we strive to provide equal opportunities for everyone. We therefore cordially invite all interested parties to respond to this vacancy.


Amsterdam UMC

Amsterdam UMC is a leading medical center that combines complex high-quality patient care, innovative scientific research, and education of the next generation health care professionals. We believe that health care practice, research and education belong together, with each shaping and informing the other.


Spaapen lab

The Spaapen lab is part of the Landsteiner laboratory of the Amsterdam UMC, and is localized at Sanquin (Amsterdam). Sanquin provides a lively, internationally oriented, academic environment with excellent facilities (flow cytometry, confocal microscopy, mass spectrometry, sequencing and bioinformatics). Within Sanquin, the research of the Spaapen lab is embedded in the department of Immunopathology, a multidisciplinary department with a strong background in immunology, molecular biology, genetic engineering and high throughput techniques. The main aim of the Spaapen lab is to improve current and future immunotherapies through mechanistic understanding of the different aspects of tumor cell – immune cell interactions. Fundamental discoveries from the lab are translated in in vivo experiments and in collaboration with medical research experts of multiple Dutch university medical centers, including the Amsterdam UMC. This project is funded through the NWO Vidi program.


  • Research, development, innovation; PhD; Postdoc; IT; Technical and laboratory
  • Engineering; Natural sciences; Health
  • max. 36 hours per week
  • €2495—€4615 per month
  • University graduate
  • AT 2660213


Academic Medical Center (AMC)

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Plesmanlaan 125, 1066 CX, Amsterdam

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