Technician vacancy in Lindeboom Lab

Technician vacancy in Lindeboom Lab

Published Deadline Location
17 Feb 27 Mar Amsterdam

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Job description

The Netherlands Cancer Institute presents a stimulating scientific environment that is built around a powerful comprehensive cancer centre with prestigious research laboratories and a dedicated cancer hospital. The research group of Rik Lindeboom is a newly established laboratory that uses quantitative biology to understand the interaction between tumor cells and the immune system. We use (single cell) genomics and proteomics approaches combined with advanced data analysis workflows to characterize cancer and immune cells in tumors.

Using an array of state-of-the-art technologies including mass spectrometry-based proteomics and next-generation-sequencing-based genomics technologies, we aim to understand how cancer cells change their identity, and how this relates to recognition by immune cells. In addition, we are interested in characterizing T cells that can recognize cancer cells using FACS and single cell transcriptomics approaches.

Your role:
You will support scientific personnel in the lab with routine laboratory tasks and experiments. Furthermore, you will implement various proteomics and genomics workflows. Projects will involve cell culture and sample preparation for mass spectrometry and genomics. As a research technician in a newly established group you will have a great opportunity to establish yourself as an essential go-to person in the lab with key responsibilities.


The Netherlands Cancer Institute


We seek an enthusiastic, highly motivated and proactive technician with a strong background in molecular biology. Experience with proteomics or (single cell) genomics are advantageous but no strict requirements.

Conditions of employment

Fixed-term contract: one year contract with the possibility of becoming a fixed position.

You will join an international research team in a stimulating and interactive research environment. The gross salary per month can range from € 2.554,- to € 3.922,- (salary scale FWG 45 or FWG 50 according to the Collective Labour Agreement General Hospitals based on proven qualifications) based on full time employment (36 hours). We offer a one year contract with the possibility of becoming a fixed position. The terms of employment will be in accordance with the CAO Hospitals.
In addition, 8.33% holiday pay and a fixed year-end bonus of 8.33% are part of your secondary condition. You will receive a travel allowance of €0.19 per km.

As an employee of the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek you can park for free. Of course we encourage our employees to leave the car at home, which is why we offer an interesting bicycle arrangement and/or discount on an NS business card. As an employer, we contribute 50% to your pension with Pensioenfonds Zorg & Welzijn and we offer a group discount for the health insurers IZZ and Zilveren Kruis and disability insurance.


The Netherlands Cancer Institute is among the world’s best comprehensive cancer centers, combining innovative fundamental, translational, and clinical research with dedicated patient care. Our research institute gratefully acknowledges funding from the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, the Dutch Cancer Society, and individual donors.


  • Technical and laboratory
  • Natural sciences; Health; Engineering
  • max. 36 hours per week
  • €2554—€3922 per month
  • Higher professional education
  • PA NK 20230217-2


The Netherlands Cancer Institute

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Plesmanlaan 121, 1066 CX, Amsterdam

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