Research Analist Hematology Laboratories

Research Analist Hematology Laboratories

Published Deadline Location
30 May 26 Jun Amsterdam

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Job description

With new immunotherapy options, the survival rates of patients with blood cancer, including Multiple Myeloma, Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Lymphoma, are getting better and better. However, research is still needed for improved immune therapies. In our department, together with renowned biotech companies, we develop new agents such as monoclonal antibodies, hexabodies, bi-specific and tri-specific antibodies and CAR T cells. For a number of these projects, we are looking for enthusiastic technicians who can get started as soon as possible.

The work will include various techniques including cell isolation from peripheral blood and bone marrow, flow cytometric phenotyping, flow cytometric and bioluminsecence-based kill assays, cell sorting, culture and testing of immune cells, tumor cells, extensive drug testing with cell cells and primary tumor cells.


Amsterdam UMC


We are looking for a highly motivated and enthusiastic analyst at HLO level. Affinity and demonstrable skills for (T cell) immunology, multiparameter flow cytometry, flow sorting and tissue culture will be considered with high priority. Qualifications to work with animal models is a pre-but not a requirement. The work is often carried out in a team; Hence we are looking for a technician with good communication skills.

Conditions of employment

  • en contract voor 1 jaar met uitzicht op verlenging tot maximaal 4 jaar.
  • Inschaling in salarisschaal 7M: € 2.751 tot € 3.896 bruto bij een fulltime dienstverband (afhankelijk van opleiding en ervaring). Daarnaast ontvang je onder andere 8,3% eindejaarsuitkering en 8% vakantietoeslag. Bereken hier jouw netto salaris.
  • Gratis en onbeperkt toegang tot onze online leeromgeving GoodHabitz.
  • Pensioenopbouw bij het ABP, waarvan wij 70% van de premie betalen.
  • Vergoeding van 75% van je OV-reiskosten. Kom je liever op de fiets? Dan hebben we een goede fietsregeling.
  • Een actieve personeelsvereniging én Jong Amsterdam UMC vereniging, die beide leuke (sportieve) activiteiten en evenementen organiseren.


Amsterdam UMC

The department of hematology of the Amsterdam UMC, VU medical center is one of the largest centers in the Netherlands for the treatment of blood cancer. An important goal of the research is to develop new immunotherapy strategies. The research activities of the Department of Hematology take place in the VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam.


  • Research, development, innovation
  • Health
  • max. 32 hours per week
  • €2751—€3896 per month
  • Higher professional education
  • 8748



De Boelelaan 1117, 1081HV, Amsterdam

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