Positions in the Protein Facility working for Oncode Accelerator

Positions in the Protein Facility working for Oncode Accelerator

Published Deadline Location
2 Nov 26 Nov Amsterdam

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Job description

We are looking for three enthusiastic, motivated scientists to join the Protein Facility to work for Oncode Accelerator, a dynamic collaboration leveraging the full potential of the Dutch innovation ecosystem.  Oncode Accelerator is developing innovation platforms to support the development of new cancer therapeutics, including Small Molecules. The role of the Protein Facility is to support innovation and accelerate the development of new small molecule compounds that will be developed to the cancer drugs of the future. 
You will work on developing the services and performing research on the so-called Demonstrator projects that will be developed by the consortium. There are three roles foreseen to be shared between three scientists: one focusing on protein expression, purification, characterisation methods and application; one preparing samples for X-ray crystallography approaches, determining structures of targets and relevant complexes for supporting hit-to-lead campaigns, and fragment-based hit discovery campaigns; and one developing and executing biophysical and biochemical assays to assess interactions of target-ligand complexes. All three scientists are expected to collaborate strongly within the team and with other Small Molecules workstream laboratories, and especially with the cryo-EM and Medicinal Chemistry expert groups at Leiden. We plan to keep a flexible environment and mix expertise and responsibilities to fit the profile of each position as well as possible to the best candidates, taking into account the optimal way to deliver expert services to this collaborative platform. All team members will contribute on daily duties operating the facility and on commissioning new instruments for the platform.
The Division of Biochemistry houses the research groups of Prof. Dr. Thijn Brummelkamp, Prof. Dr. Anastassis Perrakis, and Prof. Dr. Titia Sixma as well as the Research High Performance Computing (RHPC) Facility and the Protein Facility, where you will work. The head of the Protein Facility is Dr. Patrick Celie who is responsible for planning, management, and daily operations; the scientific responsibility for the Oncode Accelerator Protein Facility platform at the NKI lies with Prof. Dr. Anastassis Perrakis: you will be jointly supervised and reporting to P. Celie and A. Perrakis, and tightly integrated into the team. The Protein Facility has equipment and experience to produce and purify proteins in bacterial, insect, and mammalian cells, and a well-equipped macromolecular biophysics laboratory with a variety of instruments that will be renewed in the current grant. Equipment for structural analysis is spearheaded by high-throughput crystallisation robotics and a cryo-EM (Jeol F2 200kV with a K2 detector).

The Oncode-Accelerator consortium (https://www.oncodeaccelerator.nl/) is a public-private consortium funded by the National Growth Fund to accelerate the discovery of safe and effective anti-cancer drugs.


The Netherlands Cancer Institute


We are looking for enthusiastic and motivated colleagues, with a dedicated positive attitude for achieving global goals and a strong collaborative team spirit. Candidates with a strong background and track record in X-ray crystallography, protein purification, and biophysical methods are encouraged to apply.

  • We expect you to hold a PhD degree in a related discipline;
  • Applicants with a Masters degree could be considered for the Protein Production position;
  • Excellent communication and collaboration skills because you will be working in a multidisciplinary team;
  • Fluent in spoken and written English.

Conditions of employment

Approximately 550 people work in the research laboratories of the NKI. Research discussions, lectures and seminars in English and a large number of Dutch and non-Dutch postdocs, students and staff members contribute to the stimulating and international atmosphere of the Institute. We offer an inspiring and interactive research environment, state-of-the-art facilities, training, a competitive salary (including possibilities for tax-reduction for non-Dutch candidates) and housing facilities in the vicinity of the Institute. The Institute is located close to the city centre of Amsterdam and the international Schiphol airport.

The appointment will initially be for 2 years, and can be renewed based on performance and provided the second phase of Oncode Accelerator will be renewed. The gross salary per month ranges from € 3.434,- to € 4.842,- according to salary scales FWG 50 and FWG 55 and depends on qualifications and previous experience. The terms of employment will be in accordance with the CAO Ziekenhuizen (Collective Labour Agreement for Hospitals). In addition, you will receive a fixed end-of-year bonus in December (8,33%) and in May you will receive 8,33% holiday pay. You will receive a travel allowance of € 0.19 per km.

As an employee of The Netherlands Cancer Institute you can park for free. Of course we encourage our employees to leave the car at home, which is why we offer an interesting bicycle arrangement and/or discount on an NS business card. As an employer, we contribute 50% to your pension with Pensioenfonds Zorg & Welzijn and we offer a group discount for the health insurers IZZ and Zilveren Kruis and disability insurance.


The Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) in Amsterdam is a Comprehensive Cancer Centre combining a hospital and research laboratories in a single independent organisation. The NKI Protein Facility offers services on protein production and characterisation to all NKI scientists, as well as to national and international researchers. The facility is tightly integrated into the Division of Biochemistry, offering an outstanding scientific environment with plenty of opportunities for learning and development, and a social and collaborative environment.


  • Research, development, innovation
  • Health; Natural sciences
  • max. 36 hours per week
  • €3434—€4842 per month
  • University graduate
  • PA NKI 20231102


The Netherlands Cancer Institute

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Plesmanlaan 121, 1066 CX, Amsterdam

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